Third_and_Long "Soulmate needed"
65 year old man from York, South Carolina      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Third_and_Long
Honest, Intelligent and Affectionate Man Seeking Partner for Outdoor Activities & Life I love the outdoors and hiking, and especially activities that we can include my Golden Retriever in. My baby Bear is really my baby. He's 110 pounds, loving to the max and incredibly wonderful. I also love kayaking and fishing. I'm not expecting a perfect physical specimen of a woman that we so typically see in the movies, but I would like someone healthy enough to participate in activities like that. It would be a big plus. Movies are terrific, especially action/suspense, comedies or horror, but so are quiet evenings together in front of a fire (or maybe in the hot tub!). I'm affectionate and caring, sensitive and honest. For music, I mostly like clic rock and roll, but am open to other formats such as blues and country. No rap; rap just grates on my nerves. I love the Miami Dolphins and Nascar. I can dress up if I have to, but I'm basically a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. I mainly want someone to bond with and to share life with. We aren't meant to live alone, and after three years of that I'm ready to move on with my life with a positive, open-minded person. There's no way to condense someome's life down into a couple of paragraphs, but I'll try to tell you who I am. I have spent time (2-3 years) volunteering with the adult mentally ill (mostly schizophrenics) and have mentored abused children at a local children's home. A former 1st Officer in a motorcycle riding club, I also used to do as much charity work as I could through biker charities. I'm no angel, but have tried to do the best I could when I could. I believe in a higher power although I don't go to church every week. I do tend to wear a cross, and if you want to know why just ask me. I have also struggled with arthritis in my life at times and have to take a lot of medication for it sometimes. So while I love outdoor activities, if you want perfect health in a partner I may not be it. Health doesn't keep me from carrying a pack or walking Bear 2 miles every morning rain or shine. I'm not a controlling type person and not jealous by nature. If you are the type of person who feels like you have to check up on your partner's phone calls or e-mails, we probably wouldn't be a good match. Been there, done that, and it turns out my former spouse (who was checking up on me out of guilt) was the one fooling around. I don't cheat when I'm in a relationship, and don't want someone who does or who is constantly suspicious. I've never been abusive and I hate cruelty. My aspirations? What we "achieve" in this world doesn't amount to as much as who we are. If you are looking for a "Sugar Daddy," I'm not it. I do own a nice 2400sq.ft. home and a piece of property. I have an old car and an old motorcycle. I like them and don't intend to replace either one to use as fishing lures in the POF pond. In the past, women have taken advantage of my kindness and naïveté to literally steal a new car from me, one stole my credit card, and my wife (who was cheating on me) ran off with every dime of our savings. Not saying this because I'm bitter, although it stung a bit. (Can you see why I'm looking for someone honest?) I'm not looking to take advantage of anyone financially or otherwise. I have written one book, and am hoping to get one or two more (at least) published. I've also read on this site about many women who seem to feel bitter themselves about the way life and their ex's have done them. I understand that kind of feeling, but I am determined to rise above it. If you're ready to move on too, and understand that not every man is going to be like your ex, then I'd really love to hear from you. I'm honest, faithful, smart and looking for the same. If you are looking for someone to love you, respect you, and do their best to take care of your needs and support your dreams, then you might want to write me. If not, I wish you the best. I have no children other than Bear (my retriever), but would love being a friend/mentor to one or two kids if they were OK with that. I'd love one day to hike the Appalachian Trail, and to go cross country on a motorcycle. I like to look for "trail magic" in life. Trail magic is the kind of thing when you're walking a winding path in the woods and you suddenly come across a twelve point buck standing in front of you, or you blunder into a beautiful cascading waterfall. I used to be super-diligent about keeping the gr mowed and trimmed, but as I was losing my best friend to cancer, he taught me something about priorities. Gr is closer to the bottom of the list now. One reason why I have volunteered so much at points in my life when I could was that I wanted to leave this world a better place than the one I came into. I'd like to write at least one really great book to that end which incorporates philosophy, psychology and nature. I have a doctorate in clinical psychology. I'm torn as to whether or not to get back in that field. It is a long story which I'll be glad to tell to anyone who is seriously interested in getting to know me. I graduated with a 4.0 in college, and I do love good conversation. I don't care about your degrees or lack of them, but you must be intelligent. Intelligence is sexy . . . I've also got openings in my life for serious friends. If that's what you're interested in after reading about me that's fine, too. Friends mean as much to me as family. So you're welcome to write to me for that reason. My main purpose here though, as trite as it may sound, is to find a soulmate. Life has so much more meaning when it's shared. Watching sunsets together, taking walks in the woods, or just having someone to wrap your arms around at night. I'm affectionate and loving, and the person I'm looking for would be too. I'm a romantic person at heart, and I have learned enough to know good things seldom happen if you aren't willing to take some chances. I'm willing to, are you? All of us suffer pain and indignities in our short lives. Many of us suffer more than our fair share. When two like-minded spirits find one another, however, there is less pain, more joy and the sorrows heal more quickly. Good partners are there to listen and encourage their lovers to achieve whatever their dreams are. Best of luck to everyone out there in the sea. **Please have a picture if you write to me. Not trying to be judgmental. It's just that we are visual creatures and appearance is a factor in attraction. Also, you earn points with me if you say more than "hi" when you write. Tell me why you wanted to write, start a conversation!
Profession: Capitalist / Writer / Graphic Design
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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