Eaglescout414 "With enough "courage" and "determination," you can do anything you want."
35 year old man from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About Eaglescout414
Before I start anything about myself, I'd like to say that I have a VERY adorable son, so if you're a girl that doesn't want to be in a relationship with a guy that has a son, then I'm sorry. He means the most in life to me. I'm looking for a girl who won't treat me like a dog, and take advantage of my sensitivity towards others. At times, I seem to be too m about things, but I can have my dark side, too, as does everyone. This will show how much confidence I have in myself by stating that I am also insecure, because sometimes I need to have encouragement from others. I feel that is important to state, however, because I don't want people being interested in me, and realizing that I'm not as good as I say I am, or whatever. Something GOOD about me, though, is that chivalry still exists within me. I try my best to be very romantic. I am very sensitive and caring. I put the people I love in front of everything else. More about me, I LOVE to act. I have my own agency, and they even want me to become a scout, now, so I will work with both sides of the acting industry. I am currently going to college. I am a measly little freshman. I am majoring in Performing Arts. I am certain there is a lot more about me, so I'll be sure to update later. Thanks for reading my profile, -Matthew
Profession: Boy Scouts of America
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Want Children?
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