iwashottpinkilicious "Does anyone want to go out and have fun?"
61 year old woman from Virginia Beach, Virginia      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About iwashottpinkilicious
If you do not have a profile or picture, I will not respond. Sorry! If you live more than an hour from Virginia Beach, please don't waste my time asking for my number or wanting to email or IM on yahoo. I am NOT interested in any of that. Thanks. Hi! and no, I am not a *****. I just wish people would actually read profiles before sending emails from Australia or India or the like! Right now I am looking for someone fun to hang out with for the next year while I finish nursing school in Virginia Beach. I am very busy with school in an intense RN program, so when I have some free time, it would be nice to have someone to spend time with besides clmates and my teenage daughter. I love the beach, motorcycles, trying new things, exploring the area....anything to have fun and a change of scenery for a few hours! If you know how to surf, windsurf, or nay other cool hobbies or sports, I'd love to learn some new things while living at the beach!
Profession: student
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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