ReAnna_SilverWaya "The girl who walks with a wolf"
55 year old woman from Anywhere I So Choose, Georgia      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About ReAnna_SilverWaya
RACE: half-elf CLASS: druid AGE: 56 GENDER: Female ALIGNMENT: neutral good WEIGHT: 125 ********************************************** STRENGTH: 11 CONSTITUTION: 13 INTELLIGENCE:18 DEXTERITY:14 WISDOM:18 CHARISMA:16 ********************************************** Level 1 Druid EXPERIENCE POINTS: 0 (need 500 to get to level 2) HEALTH CONDITION: HEALTHY HIT POINTS: 350 ********************************************** GOLD: 40 MAGICAL SKILLS: summons a wolf to attack for two combat rounds (+ 50 HP against enemy) SPECIAL SKILLS: can read hieroglyphics and ancient writings of elves or humans ********************************************** 1st WEAPON: wooden staff 2nd WEAPON: none ARMOR: robes SHIELD: none ********************************************** MAGICAL ITEMS: none POTIONS: none SCROLLS: none INVENTORY: 2 rations ********************************************** HISTORY: : : Ahh, The Green Dragon Inn, such a lovely place. So nice to see that there is no discrimination here as to who will grace their door. I am Re'Anna De' of Royal decent.not liking the constraint of the walls of society, I left the castle years ago. I could not conform to the ritualistic traditions of such a life. My soul yearned to be free. I am more myself outdoors in the wild with nothing between me than sky and earth, than in a large city, although i do crave some inkling of human contact at times. I have always had a special bond with nature and its folk. No matter where i roam, I am greeted warmly by the creatures that inhabit this place. When I left home, I spent a long time in the forests of Zair. There I was befriended by a pack of wolves, especially by one. During this time my many talents arose. Don't be fooled by my beauty, I can be as warm as a summer's night but then as cold as the north wind touched by winter. I have seen many things and have accomplished many as well. Be my friend and you have me for life but betray me.....well death would be a better fate. I am half elvish with a druidic background; I know many things that can benefit many situations. I have many secrets as well. My constant companion is SilverWaya, high Timber Wolf of the North region. I have many other companions that meet with me periodically. Here I rest at the Dragon's Inn, until the time comes...............
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live at home
Christian - Other
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