I know there are many who will react to the following content as being too negative. But there's a method to my madness. I have no set of ideal traits that I'm looking for, nor is there any predefined mold that I expect a woman to fit into. I'm open to a great many different attributes and combinations thereof...and there are few that I can't live without. So, I find it more useful to speak in terms of a process of elimination. ie, Those things that I simply cannot live *with*.
All I insist on are sanity (there are some seriously damaged and neurotic people here), maturity roughly commensurate with your age, reasonable intelligence and literacy. Are these basics too much to hope for? I'm beginning to think so. Then again, I may well be a hopeless optimist. Let's find out if that optimism is justified.
I have eclectic tastes and interests, and am an insatiable reader and devourer of information. As a result, I can converse reasonably intelligently on most topics. And even if I'm not well-informed about something that you are, I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say on the matter. I do make it a policy to refrain from forming/expressing strong opinions when I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
Don't be thrown by the lack of a photo. I'm not a bad looking sort at all. But my years of experience with this medium have taught me that indiscriminate sharing of personal identification information with the world at large is a bad policy. If it appears that we have a good chance of an intellectual and emotional connection then I'll be more than happy to provide you with photographic evidence of the fact that I don't scare small children. ;-) On the other hand, of you're still so shallow that your first priority is base physical attraction, followed by the *hope* of something more substantial then we're not a match to begin with.
Made it this far? Let's see if this one stops you...
I hunt. But I do it for the outdoor experience (I prefer challenging areas, and rarely harvest anything) and, when lucky, for food. I do so in as ethical and humane a manner as possible. I will not cause any animal pointless suffering, nor do I condone it by others. Unless you're a strict vegetarian (a practice I don't share, but can at least respect as honestly consistent) I don't want to hear any ill-informed criticisms of the activity. Keeping your hands clean by purchasing shrink-wrapped meat from the grocery store while simultaneously condemning those who are willing to acquire it themselves and deal with the realities that entails does not give you the m high ground. It makes you a hypocrite.
By the way...dressing and acting provocatively in private for a man in whom you're interested is sexy, and a gesture that is generally appreciated. But plastering semi- pictures of yourself in skin-magazine poses on the internet for complete strangers to view in the hopes that presenting yourself like a piece of meat will attract the man of your dreams...well...that's a pathetic cry for attention that just screams, "I have no dignity at all".
Just to clarify what I mean by "maturity roughly commensurate with your age" and "reasonable intelligence", well...let's just say that a 48 year-old woman who thinks and acts like she's still in high school just doesn't do it for me. Youthful exuberance and a child-LIKE sense of wonder at the world are great. A childISH mentality is not. If any of the following apply to you then we're almost certainly not a match:
- You believe that your astrological sign actually means something.
- Your profile description was completely/mostly plagiarized from something you found on the internet, or from song lyrics.
- You describe yourself as "intellEgent".
- You're pathologically incapable of taking what's said to you at face value, and insist on reading into things meaning that just isn't there.
- You're given to severe, irrational personality swings and are a likely candidate for a clinical mood-altering drug trial. I know paranoid schizophrenics need lovin' too, but I'm afraid I don't have the patience for it.
- You think that people should respect you simply because you occupy space and draw breath. Sorry, but respect that is worth anything must be earned. It's not an enlement.
- You've been abducted by a UFO on more than one occasion, had lunch with Elvis last week or "see dead people".
- You claim to be looking for a meaningful relationship, but are looking mostly for men/boys at least a decade younger than yourself.
- You refer to things in terms of euphemisms because you think that something's fundamental nature can be altered just by choosing a different name for it.
- You claim that you're looking for men who are substantially younger than you because you "like their energy level". Come on. If you just can't seem to grow up, and insist on making a fool of yourself because it's trendy and all your insecure friends are doing it, at least be honest enough to admit why you're doing it.
- You claim to want the truth, but reject any truth with which you're uncomfortable.
- You don't know the difference between knowing what you *want* and knowing what you *need*.
- You still don't know the difference between "growing up" and "growing old", and think the former is something to be avoided.
- You're over the age of 30 but still think tattoos and piercings are meaningful forms of self-expression.
- Removing your cell phone from your ear would require surgical instruments and a local anesthetic.
- You've posted multiple photos designed to showcase your s, but can't figure out why you're only attracting men who are looking for a "hook up".
- You're in your late 40s and are still bar-hopping.
- You have golden-blonde hair and skin as white as notebook paper, but list "Native American" as your ethnicity.
- You have the literacy skills of a 3rd grader.
- You're very particular about the physical attributes you're looking for in a man right up front but then only mention a character trait or two, if even that.
- You're in your 40s but dress like an 18 year old. See...here's the thing: You're not 18 anymore. Accept it and move on.
- You express yourself via trite plaudes like "soul mate", "living life to the fullest", etc.
- You have no idea what "trite" or "plaude" mean.
- You type "LOL" after every sentence.
- You think Africa is a country.
- You think that choosing to view the gl as half-full and NOT half-empty makes you a positive person. It doesn't. It makes you unable to accept half of reality.
- You describe tanning as a "hobby".
- Your single most defining attribute is your ethnic heritage.
- You have anything like "r u 2?" in your profile.
- You're convinced that men don't show interest in you because they "can't handle" you.
Profession: IT