Hello, my little stalkers in waiting. Lol just kidding. I am a mother of two wonderful boys. My eldest is two years old and the other is under a year. My boys are the most important things in this world to me. I write, draw and dance. Im a dog groomer at the moment looking at college. Medical something to afford my children. hehe. Im pretty annoyingly chipper. My boss hates it. and tells me to at least pretend I hate my job for her. Just randomly message me anything. I am very open.
eye color: my outer eye is blue and the inner color is green.
ambidextrous: yes
Piercings: yes, {*******},ears, nose, belly button, snake bites.
Tatoos: wolf paws on my arm to symbolize fierce protector and mother. And loyal mate.(i wnt more)
Zodiac Sign: aqua
Grade: starting college
More about you: Are you named after anyone? no
Do you live in the moment? kinda
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others? medium
Do you have any secrets? yes
Do you hate yourself? sometimes
Do you like your handwriting? sometimes
Do you have any bad habits? yes
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? lol if I was another person I'd be ****ing me!
Any regrets? Tons.
Do you think life has been good so far? sometimes.
Are you confident? sometimes
How long does it take you to shower? depends, ten minutes to 45 munutes
What color is your room? wood color
Where do you want to attend college? At A Zane State
Im friendly and fun. I am a nerd. I like lots of different things. Just ask me. Shows I love not like but love, Dollhouse, Firefly, Farscape, Buffy, and more. Syfy Nerd. Comic nerd wantabe.
Profession: groomer