Just a small town country girl who's been around the block a time or two. The greatest job I will ever have is being a woman/mother and welcome even more love in my life. I want to find my equal...maybe even my soulmate. Mystery is an element that ignites my pions. Charm me with your intellect, wit, and big heart. Are you just the spark to ignite my fire?
Alright, I'm making an addition to my profile! I've recently joined this site; been a member less than a week. I consider myself a respectful, tactful and direct individual (among numerous other positive qualities). Having said that, I would please ask anyone who's initiates contact with me to be doing it with the desire to get to know me. This is, I believe, a DATING website not an online sex site. Had that been what I was looking for, I would have signed up to one of THOSE sites! If you take the time to look at my picture, please give me the courtesy to of another few seconds to read about me. Notice the beginning of my blurb...SMALL TOWN COUNTRY GIRL. Those are a few of the best words to describe myself and this small town country girl has ms and values; jumping straight to bedroom talk IS NOT one of them! I appreciate that some of you find me attractive but my looks are far from the only thing I have to offer a man. If you're unwilling or unable to recognize my inner beauty as well as my outer, then please don't take a second look at my profile. Or at least have the courtesy not to initiate contact. If I've offended anyone please know that was not intentional though I will not apologize. I find the "one thing on the mind" contact offensive.
I am a beautiful person INSIDE and out! Should it be necessary to describe "the type of man I'd be interested in meeting," that is where I would begin; with a man who feels he's worth getting to know so much that he's willing to exchange some of OUR valuable time to at least explore what we have in common; what potential we might have to become something more. It is after all OUR time that grows into OUR life, is it not? I WANT to get to know SOMEONE before I divulge the MOST INTIMATE part of my life; my soul. Take a moment to notice just the words in caps in my last sentence. I feel that should be quite clear. Spending time getting to know someone is THE ONLY way to achieve intimacy in the true sense of the word. Anything less lacks heart, soul and mind and without those three KEY elements, what is the body? HEARTLESS; MINDLESS; SOUL-LESS and most definitely not the kind of man (or woman for that matter) I'd "be interested in meeting."
I'm not fond of "I, I, I" statements which is why I find it challenging to describe myself. I KNOW what kind of person I BELIEVE myself to be but that is not necessarily how others will or do perceive me. It seems much more sensible to me that two people engage in conversation and form their OWN personal opinion rather than reading an individual's PERSONAL opinion of him/herself and risking possible disappointment and/or feelings of being misled. Putting my "ME, ME, ME" feelings momentariIy aside, I will give a few brief "I" statements. I can tell you I'm educated: does that tell what topics I'm educated about? I can tell you I'm humorous, witty even; does that tell you what type(s) of humor I use? I can tell you I'm pionate; does that tell you what I'm pionate about? I can tell you I'm driven; does that tell you what my goals are? I can tell you I'm romantic, friendly, compionate, caring, giving, motivated, loving, independent, strong-willed, organized, efficient, clean, respectful, emotional, spirited, stubborn, hard headed, funny, happy, angry, positive, optimistic, extroverted, sad, outgoing, lonely, exciting, blunt, decisive, lazy, excitable, melancholy, sexual, intense, laid back, easy going, etc. etc. etc. Pages could be filled with adjectives and verbs I'd use to describe myself. Having listed the ones I did, did it tell you what inspired those qualities and/or emotions in me. NO. And does it really help you know me? NO. Don't we all have a vast array of qualities that blend together shaping who we are and aren't those qualities most often based on the past and present experiences and cirstances of our personal lives? I believe they are. I also believe they are affected daily and ever-changing. And it wouldn't be honest and forthright if I only listed positive qualities. I'm not perfect; I've made my share of mistakes in life; will never be perfect and will undoubtedly make more mistakes. In that though, I will learn, grow and ideally become the best ME I CAN BE. The fact is I am not all the qualities I have all at one time. Day to day life affects my reactions, emotions, highs, lows and overall personality. That is what defines my good days and my not so good days ; and essentially defines me. Realistically, in my opinion, I am not EXACTLY the same person today that I was yesterday; I will not be EXACTLY the same person tomorrow that I am today. I will have had a new experience, gained new knowledge, been blessed meeting a new person; something, anything that impacts my life in such a way that I update, revise, reconsider, possibly revamp or completely overhaul who I am today.
There are no limits in life...beyond the ones we set ourselves. Each new day is a challenge to go beyond what I limited myself to the previous day. Are you someone who wants to live beyond yesterday's limits? What does my profile tell you about me? Are you someone who read my typed words and READ BETWEEN THE LINES? Are you the one who noticed I'm articulate, literate, honest, considerate, etc., etc., etc.? Are you the one who realized this small town country girl is an irredescent rainbow of many colors (qualities) some breathtakingly beautiful and a few not as bright at times.Are you the one who realized YOU CAN find a pot of gold BEFORE the end of the rainbow simply by being willing to look at the beauty at the beginning of the rainbow? Are you the one sincerely, genuinely, and honestly answering yes to my questions? YES again? You're someone I'd be happy to share some of my time with and get to know. We may just be one another's endless rainbow... and bottomless pot of gold!
Profession: Administrative Assistant