Personally I think this web site is a joke but it’s always good for a good laugh but it is what it is … a dating web site or is it a one-night stand site … I wonder
Ok let’s make a few thing clear before you move on to my profile … If your looking for a make out session … well its not going to happen. If you’re looking to have a few conversations and the fall in love over the computer then you are NUTS and to clingy for me.
Ok here goes my worst subject.. Me!
Let me see what I have to offer … hmm I am smart, witty, sarcastic, humorous and charming at time. Things I don’t like about myself are I am very blunt person; I often speak when I should just keep my mouth shut. LOL! Oh yeah I almost forgot my picking skills sucks really bad so If your cute, don’t work and drink a lot please void my profile because that is what I go for and I am trying to get away from that.
I have a job so I don’t need anyone to take care of me and I am not looking to take care of anyone either.
updated 07/16/2012
Profession: Office Manager