InSearchOfHope "Just waiting for you to come along."
35 year old woman from Kemp, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About InSearchOfHope
Yeah so I am going to rewrite this to fit myself a little better maybe. Yet if you really want to know more you would have to honestly get to know me. I am tired of the lies and the cheaters, those no good 'good ol' boys' who use, abuse, and then kick to the curb? Got it? So if you cheat/lie/beat click the red [x] at the top of your screen, k thanks. Me? Hmm, I am 19, I live in Seven Points. I graduated from Rice H.S back in may of 08 and am now attending TVCC in Athens. I admit, I am sometimes selfish when it comes to my relationships, I either want all or none at all. I also get paranoid often, make me feel wanted and we will have no problems. I love texting or chatting on the computer and i get real shy f2f or on the phone until you know me. I want someone who can take all the bad things and still love me for them. Emotionally I am a rollar coaster, I can be up or down or completely not there at times but most of the times I am comfortable and laid back. In the 'lover' or 'fighter' category I fall into both. I don't physically fight people often and I prefer the sweet lovey dovey of a relationship but I want to know the guy is willing to fight for me, even if that battle is with me. If we can work through our problems then we can conquer the world. I have only been in one serious relationship, somewhat recently, and he was my first and only so far, got a problem with that then please move on. I can only look to the future with the knowledge of my past, meaning since I have been treated bad in a relationship I might expect you to treat me bad, please, feel free to prove me wrong. I want someone who will argue with me yet not run away from me. I pick petty little fights just to keep the relationship sort of healthy to my standards. I am not perfect, I am far from it, I am just one person in this big world who is looking for love and has found the imitation in all the wrong places. This is just a fraction of who I am. No words can describe what i am really like.... If you can handle me through my bad, you will deserve to have the good. ask for my number and we can trade.
Profession: Student
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
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