Hi! My name's Jason, I'm a 36 yo swm looking for "The One".
My interests lie mainly with the arts: anything to do with the arts. I'm a musician before I'm just about anything else, and I love absolutely anthing and everything to do with music. I've recently taken up a few very minor roles in local theater as well and am currently pursuing a personal study of the medium. I used to be something of an avid reader at one point, but time has been so short these last few years I fear I've fallen quite behind. I've also fallen sadly behind on my movie watching as I... well... don't have a date. I have other interests as well, but those are the ones that are, as of this moment, the most forefront for the forseeable future.
My ideal girl would be someone who is smart, funny, and sweet, huggy, and fun.
I'm pretty outgoing despite having intermittent moments of introversion, so if you'd like to chat, name your topic and drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you!
Profession: Home Support