Not too sure what I am looking for here, or, whom I am looking for I suppose would be more accurate.
A bit about me? I am thoughtful, self deprecating, silly, serious, goofy, cuddly, messy, chubby (well chubby is being generous but I don't want to use the "f" word with any of you yet). I'm also emotional, friendly, happy sometimes, sad sometimes, and just blah sometimes. WHAT?? You've never met a woman before!!!
Further, I find it just easy to talk to anyone, and think that we should look up and smile at strangers rather than stare at one our many devices.
Finally, I believe that hugs are integral to our lives and should be given with abandon, and both arms. And, I am seldom the first to let go.
Thank you for taking the time to read all the way to the end here. Hope you were at least a bit amused.
Profession: Office Job