leviosa "Cynical, pragmatic, witty, and chunky. i'm a catch!"
45 year old woman from Reynoldsburg, Ohio      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About leviosa
I am by no stretch of the imagination a "10", but if you are one of "those guys" who is closing the page right now because I am a chunkchick, then I leave you with this; Suck my left a*** cheek, you're missing out. Big girls in general are not only better lovers(doesn't mean promiscuous), but I personally am a tremendously fierce friend, one witty chick, and a sparkling conversationalist. I find it frustrating and a bit sad that most men truly believe that they're destined to be with a Natalie Portman replica. But, so it goes...If I've messaged you, try not to flatter yourself too much, I'm usually just looking for conversation and you must not have seemed like an entirely superficial hat. Then again, I could be wrong. It happened once.Could happen again. I was uncool before being uncool was cool. Now it's trendy, but I choose to be anti-trendy, so does that make me cool now? But that's uncool, to be cool, isn't it? Some randomness: I come off as obnoxious, but I'm actually not. I'm kind of a voyeur. Very into people watching. I believe that most people are attractive until they open their mouths. I jog (well, will again soon) and I love it. I promise you that I'm a big girl, don't be fooled, and yes, big girls can run. I floss habitually. I own a gun. I enjoy sports, but am not hard core about it. I have 4 tattoos in places that i can always cover just by wearing regular clothes and a piercing or two. I was born with a sense of wonder. I'm constantly asking questions about everything I come across. I feel that life is learning. I'm always considerate, no matter what, but I always stand up for myself. I don't mistake kindness for weakness, but am not attracted to those who are weak in mind. You will NEVER have to guess how I'm feeling, because I always say what's on my brain (its not as attractive as it sounds).I don't yell very often anymore, but I have a drill sergeant voice. While confrontation isn't my favorite thing, I keep it on the level and don't often lose my cool. I'm the type that likes to show up to people's homes with a gift in hand; usually wine or food. I occasionally wear my hair in pigtails. The nicest compliment I was ever paid was "Being with you will change a person's life, regardless of the relationship you have or how long you are with them." You cannot change the world, but you can change the world for someone else. As far as what I'm hoping to have find me... I want to be around someone who isn't going to call me repeatedly or expect us to live together anytime in the near future, or even not so near future. I want a guy around who has guy friends and will ask me in advance to spend time with me. Kind of like old school dating. I don't want someone who has overly romantic sentiments ALL the time. I like to cuddle every now and again, but if you want to be attached at your hip, I'm not the girl for you. Someone who has his own interests, but can share some of mine. The following does not meet the aforementioned criteria:You have 46 chromosomes? You breathe oxygen? You live on the planet earth! No way! Me too! Mostly, I just don't want to feel like the closer I get to you, the further I get from myself. A bonus would be if you ride a motorcycle. I just got my motorcycle temps and when my heart got stomped on, my teacher vanished. I've always wanted to ride. Im a movie junkie, Sushi fiend, and I enjoy wine (cheap or expensive equally). I enjoy cooking, literature, Harry Potter, jogging and yoga (Yes, big girls can be flexible too), the outdoors, photography, astronomy and anything celtic...I devour any kind of books when I have time.... If you have any form of ",jeah,wasap,yo" or anything else that isn't proper english in your profile or you are just arrogant in general ("Oh, you know you love me, you know you want me." Listen pal, you must be mistaking me for Jesus), we aren't compatible. Really. I'm sure you're nice and all. 1337 is a different story.I like geeks. Lastly, I need someone who can match me intellectually. While I'm not entirely a genius, but I'm a bright girl who gets bored easily. Lets just say I'd be the dumbest person invited to a Mensa convention. If you think you have something to teach me, shoot me a line. That doesn't consist of correcting my grammar because I missed an apostrophe somewhere or in general being an douchebag about what a pseudo intellectual you are. I won't be impressed. I won't lie to you and say faith is not important, it is. I'm a liberal and very open minded Catholic. Yes, we do exist. If you can't understand FULLY that I have a son who is absolutely my first priority, then please don't bother to message me. If you can't refrain from suggesting some Nyquil and a closet to get some alone time with me, then I can't refrain from kneecapping you in the funbag. So it goes...
Profession: Law Enforcement
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live at home
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