Lionlover1973 "Hello out there!!"
51 year old man from Richlands, North Carolina      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Lionlover1973
Time for a update/rewrite.. Lets start with HI ! Thanks for taking the time to read my profile ! I guess you want to know about me huh.. Ok well lets try and fill you in.. Ive been in NC for about 1 month now so I'm still learning the area . I lived in Iowa prior to NC and NJ prior to Iowa..My last relationship went 14 years so I appologize but Im still relearning just how the "dating game" goes.. What Im looking in the long run is a long term relationship.. You know the deal.. ALL the frills.. For now Im meeting people .. making friends.. Maybe dating a few that I really feal I can bond with into something Longer term.. .. The plan is to make friends with the chance of something more.. ..I have not even looked for someone in many many years so Bare with me for the first few Times we chat or whatever. I may be shy at first but once that breaks your never shut me up :) .. Im openminded when it comes to Love.. Sometimes alittle to openminded.. I have really no trouble Jumping Into something that I see having a chance to develop into something special. I am a very good guy. I dont mean to sound conceeded or anything , I just know how I handle things and I feal its the right way to do so. Im honest..I dont like Lieing at all.. It hurts .. id rather be honest and hurt someone then do it thru a lie. Honesty is respectable .. Lieing .. well you know what lieing is.. Im caring , Understanding,Loyal.. yes Loyal..I do not cheat..Ive learned my lesson there..I have not cheated on anyone in 15 years,,I was young once and made alot of mistakes but I dont plan on starting again .It is very hurtfull for all those involved ..Im sure ther's more I could tell you But I feal its better to show .. then tell.. talk is cheap..I know alot of guys probley say the same thing i am . I relize many of you have been hurt and Im sorry for that. There are lots of guys out there that want one thing , But thats not me.. I'll let my actions speak for me If you choose to email me...Sometimes you need to trust. Its hard but its worth it. I have 4 children ages 13/10/8/4.. I have my 4 year old in my coustady and he goes where I go ..Its a package deal.. I know some of you dont want that , and I can respect that.. Just move on to the next profile and I honestly hope you find love elsewhere . I truely do.. Hes a really great kid.. a bit spoiled but Im working on that .. Sometimes I even think he actually lets me believe Im winning :P . I as I said prior am new to NC . I basicly am starting over.. I dont have alot at this time and a few problems continue to haunt me .. Im not perfect.. I try but Life just doesnt always co-operate . I do the best I can , and will rebuild .. Stronger .. Better.. faster... Oo wait thats the theme from 6 Million dollar man.. Oo well it fits ! Again what I can offer is Love/affection/honesty/friendship/loyalty/ and more.. What am I looking for....Basicly Im looking for the same thing I offer.. I want a woman whos honest/caring/affectionate/Openminded/sence of humor/LOYAL!!Someone who is willing to open up in many ways.. Just let go.. In all aspects of the relationship . LOL.. Sure id like perfection .. But Its not out there and I know it ..Again step one is friends..then step 2.. is meeting and dating.. I sometimes tend to move fast.. I dont mind Jumping in .. Im working on that..Not that its a bad thing.. I believe sometimes you need to risk being hurt inorder to find what might be love. If you live your life afraid to be hurt you will miss out on many good things too. It sucks I know but its true..Gotta be open to take chances in Life.. least thats how I see things..Again as I stated above I have children and have no problems if the person I am dating also does. Children are gifts from God. Even if they arent always behaved :P Well interests.. Hmm lets do this fast.. i relize im writing a book.. PAINTBALL>>PRO FOOTBALL>>WWE>>HORROR MOVIES>>KAREOKE>>COMPUTERS>> AUTOMOTIVE>>.. Im not going to sit here and list long walks on the beach.. snuggling .. Blah blah blah.. I love doing those things with the right person .. But everyone lists it like they do it everyday..I would if I had the right person.. Until then.. i dont do it LOL.. least not by myself.. So anyway theres my "little" sales pitch .. heheh.. I hope you like what you see and I'll be hoping to hear from you! First Date
Profession: Construction
Physical Appearance
6' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?
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