abethan53 "The springs for me"
71 year old man from Silver Springs, Florida      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About abethan53
Screening a man or a woman (both ways) is essential. It makes you appear a bit smarter when you meet him or her in person. That's why I'm an open book - no unnecessary surprises or intrigue! To start with, I am a: *Homebody - retired *love to snorkel for marine life at the springs (swim like a fish) *drive an old Subaru S/W *some nerve damage in feet and legs *love quiet and nature *not a TV-holic, but like a good evening movie *blue-collar income / frugal *occasionally eat out *like simple pleasures *hopeless romantic maybe? I've learned that I don't have to prove myself with a kindred soul. With compatibility there is less doubt or worry or consternation. It ceases to be a mind game, just trust, peace, and harmony between best of friends. In my case, I've rarely kissed any frogs because I rarely meet them; nor any knockouts because I rarely meet them either. Ah, the simplicity of online screening! No complaint there. People like us, who don't barhop, snort, get wasted, or otherwise make a spectacle of ourselves, need all the PR work (dateline exposure) we can get! That would probably still make us (disciplined, mature puritans) gluttons for punishment anyway...ha! Character does have its drawbacks. But stubbornness is my middle name! A TAD OF INSPIRATION FOR THE FORLORN Being happy and seeking happiness are not always one and the same thing, primarily because contentment from within is a private matter of respect to oneself. Mutual happiness, however, is no longer private, but relies on a common understanding of give and take (and a possible disturbance in the force). So, as a reserve, I fall back on my own contentment if all else collapses. Kids of all ages may claim they've "been there, done that". But if you've ever noticed, they dare not be alone for too long. No, winging it alone or feeling isolated for very long is not suited for the young and the restless (or careless) at heart. And I've known a few, especially the work-hard, retire-hard (high maintenance) types. I would hope that Cupid's arrow is a little more relaxing than that! ....A gratis thought from an established hermit at large. CONVERSATION WITH MY DEAR SISTER BY EMAIL My sister asked me if I've had any luck finding anyone suitable. I responded: Yeah, those date sites...it's where the herd of singles hangs out. Others (real active people) probably think it's lame, I suppose. My experience is that I've met some nice people on them, but it's not that easy to meet a lifetime partner. So I settle for what I can get and don't put all my eggs in one basket. At least that's my experience, or philosophy, or both, lol! All I know is this emotional ‘tie-up with’, ‘bail-out of’ relationship (with this person or that) kinda' messes with your mind to say the least! I guess it messes with a lot of people's minds and hearts as well, as almost everyone on those sites owns animals (they don't talk back)!...until they figure out that a little human trouble might not be so bad, maybe? (Then I told my sister) Just be glad your married life is better than these disappointing see-saw relationships...I'm pooped and I haven't done anything yet!
Profession: retired - partial disability
Physical Appearance
6' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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Christian - Other
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