If you've ever been driving down the road and a car with a license plate that reads "IMAWSUM" being driven by a girl who is singing at the top of her lungs. That's me... wave next time. :)
I go to EMU, studying to be a high school English/Lit teacher. I just moved into an apartment on campus, which is about an hour away from where I grew up so I don't know many people. I one day want to move to California, or somewhere where there's not as much snow, in the country side. I love to laugh, and try to stay as positive as possible. I'm proud of the accomplishments I've made in this last year or so. I want someone to share my happiness with. I love Glee, and other silly things that no normal 23 year old girl should like, but it's part of my charm. :P
Profession: Starbuckaneer