...Ok here we go ladies, i am considered as a well educated, serious as well humble german/austrian gentleman continously "jumping" between the good old european continent and Mexico where im mostly living in, counting with a exceptional sense of humour along very good manners , i really like to joke, of course including to laugh about myself along a very friendly appear, distinguished as well charming, throughout a goodcaring and responsible person allabout, idealywise i am looking for my best friend /accomplice as well passionated lover all in one person, of course if you are living outside town or country i would be very glad to invite you ... have still a very splendid day with much luck as well fun on this site ... P.D: Replies in spanish or german language are welcome too !
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... pues,considerandome de un sencillo caballero aleman/austriaco muy carismatico,elocuente y distinguido, por supuesto sincero, extrovertido con un excepcional sentido de humor. Viajo frecuentamente entre ambos continentes,lo ideal seria en encontrar una amiga,companera,complice y amante apasionada en tan solo una persona ... por cierto, si te encuentras afueras con mucho gusto te invitare ...
Profession: financial sector