Izzobel4209 "Odd but fun n loyal"
38 year old woman from San Francisco, California      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Izzobel4209
About me? Well I can say I am crazy, keep it in good check though, I talk a lot and have a lot of crazy stories. I just moved to the San Francisco area and dying to meet some chill people. I am currently looking for a “normal” job, or garden to vanish on (no issues with literally vanishing.) and a laid back friend who is perhaps a little more reality focused then I, I have issues with reality, It doesn’t like me, I try to dream it away. I am great lover, I believe in worshipping one’s lover and being worshiped in return (doing all those “little secret things” we like so much) Treat me well and i will do the same, in many, many ways. The more you enjoy me the more I enjoy you and the more I open up and explore. Over all it is really simple, I like a lot of green, good food, the touch of another person, and adventures (whether it is out of city/state, or a stumble home from a local bar.) I ask two things of you, One: is please do not respond if you are an angry drinker, or generally angry, I am generally way too happy and creative (my hidden Bi-polar issues are that my happiness depends on my partner: Your anger=my extreme sadness, your sadness= my heart breaking. That’s where your pion comes in, if I cannot get out of my head, just tell me I am being silly and haul me off to the bed room. Two: I am an outgoing, almost uncontrollable force of creative pion that has way too many thoughts going on at one time to worry about drama or jealousy; I am a good and loyal pet. I do not like to fight, or be yelled at, I like to co-exist, but need a hand guided by pion; hold me like you mean it, be my man and I’ll be your girl. It is ridiculously easy to keep me happy, 420 (a lot, copious amounts actually, but i can grow it; so hey, got room?), tummy rubs (from the inside and out, lol) before bed and anything cute, fuzzy and stupid. I am generally a smart one, but have been known to show a blonde hair or two. I am a goof, and child-like in my joy, i speak my mind, most of the time, and if I am not saying it then you do not want to hear it. I am more creative than most people can stand and am always creating a new business plan in my spare time (what are we going to do today Brain?...Same thing we do every day, Pinky....we plan to take over the world!). I cook, love cartoons, anime, movies, play video games, (BLK OPS, BioShock1-2( so can't wait till 3 comes out) and SUPER stoked about Modern Warfare 2. I like dirty club music and love to go to the bar in shocking club gear and dance (not a requirement for you, your good watching, but if you can, kick .) I am currently working on a Party/Geek/Steam Punk Clothing line, so I do a lot of sewing, for both male and female. Oh, side note: I do not like slobber, keep your tongue in your mouth, not in mine, my tongue is too wide to be playing tonsil hockey, but there is lot of other surface skin to lick. hehe If I keep going there will be nothing but crazy wife stories left, so I will save those for later...hehe… Thanks for reading my long wind, Izzy, your kitty
Profession: Owner/Creator of Deep Pocket Designs:Clothing, Dec
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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