My personality really understands, is fun, pleasant, straightforward, not crooked, behaves clearly and decisively. Everyone must have a past, but I don't live for the past, I live for the present and the future.
I need a partner who loves, understands and respects me.
Those who do not have enough sincerity, please do not send messages that take time for both each other.
Profile has no picture, I will not reply. A person who is clearly transparent is not afraid to post pictures himself. Unless who unconfidence or shadyness, or deception.
I don't have any youth to play 2-3 hands-on game. For me, 1 vs 1.
In general, to meet, learn, comment on the sincerity each other. Then can decide whether it is really appropriate to come together & stick together for a long time ...
Profession: Buôn bán