mimbari "Looking for an intelectual sparing partner"
61 year old man from Beaverton, Oregon      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About mimbari
OK, describe myself Sure, no problem. I can do this, no sweat. Alright, down to business. Bottom line is, I am tired of the dating scene and the games and head trips that go with it. Why does it have to be so hard? I am looking for a relationship with a woman who is her own person, secure in herself and what she wants out of life. I am an outgoing person who has no internal censor, if it pops into my head, I am going to say it. I am e to spontaneous fits of dancing to the Muzak in the grocery store and striking up conversations with total strangers. I have been called a lot of things, but shy has never been one of them. If you embarr easily, you are going to want to move on. I find humor in the absurd and ludicrous. I am also pionate in my beliefs, and I want you to be the same. We don't have to agree on everything, I am OK with agreeing to disagree. I guess what I am looking for is an intellectual sparing partner. I am a hopeless romantic who doesn't mind quietly listening while my partner vents on her bad day, so long as she occasionally returns the favor. How am I doing here? 3 The hardest thing about finding that special someone for me is that I work the swing shift, 3pm to 1am, sometimes 11pm, sometimes on Saturday. It's not because I want to, believe me, but it is what I am stuck with so I make the best of it. I am all about late nights and mornings. So, even if your not interested, but you know where ladies who have or tolerate those kind of hours congregate, throw me a bone and clue me in on where to meet them. When I am not working, I like to spend my free time cooking for friends, trying new restaurants,watching movies, reading, or just exploring Portland in particular and the Northwest in general. My tastes are pretty varied: from Louie Armstrong to Rob Zombie, CSI to PBS, PBR to Black Bush, sushi to BBQ, The Maltese Falcon to Rounders, Ruth's Criss to The 24 Hour Hot Cake House. If you are the kind of woman who is hung up on status, money, designer clothes or designer pets, please do us both a favor and move on. I try to impress no one but myself. I am a jeans and t shirt, black lab( my x and I share custody of two of them) kind of guy who does not mind dressing up occasionally to go to the theater ( I am a sucker for musical comedy) or a special dinner, but odds are, if I have to wear a tie, it's probably someplace I am not going to want to go. The best way to get to know me would be to read my blog, TheAngryJew.com. If you get it, you will probably get me. Well, enough about me, lets hear about you.
Profession: Production Worker
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
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