0Michael0 ""mah shlomech?""
51 year old man from Frystown, Pennsylvania      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About 0Michael0
beau baiser ...more than once... I have been told, that for kissing, my lips are soft New.... do not really know much of anyone in this area. Autumn, 2010--Arrived to the area from the Amish country of Lancaster, PA. Colts are popular around here, maybe more so than the Eagles, but where I originally came from the Patriots were the team. A romantic first date can involve looking into another's eyes over a lighted candle followed with a walk under a velvet sky with the stars shining down on us like diamonds. I have heard that the first thing people notice about me is my eyes or lips. One girl from Rome asked if I was Greek. My voice also has gotten attention. Have been asked if I was from overseas. One might say that my secret talent is being double jointed. Really like to travel (long drives can be very nice). I have wanted to go to Africa. Egypt is a place I have desired for years (the warm, orange light in the atmosphere coated by the sun... the sands--exotic). When I was in VA going for my education I got to meet people from Africa and one place I lived I got to experience homemade African cooking (goat was something I never before experience). I love the ocean. I used to live on Cape Cod as a child and I have really enjoyed author Peter Benchley's writtings which involve the water and the ocean in such a way one could feel as if he is there. When I lived in the White Mts. of NH, I climbed Mt. Washington with a friend and that evening we went to the opening of "Saving Private Ryan" and Stephen King was in line with his wife and son (he was carrying Patrica Cornwell's "Point of Origin"). An enjoyable day. I love movies (I often go by who the director is, and in that case it was my favorite, Steven Spielberg). Some of my favorite movies: Love the "Rocky" series (reminds me of my grandparents... the first two films). "Citizen Kane", "Mission: Impossible" (loved Brian De Plama's direction), "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" (sad, romantic French musical in which almost every word is sung). My view on happiness is that happiness does not have to depend on what is outside of you, but that one can make the choice to be happy.
Profession: Adult Romance Author
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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