Flamingblackroze "I'm waiting for the one with the courage to step up and be a gentleman"
36 year old woman from Aurora, Colorado      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Flamingblackroze
I believe in real relationships, chivalry, and respect. I am not looking for “hookups”, so if that is what you are looking for, please look elsewhere. Who am I? I am not your typical girl, I have a clic yet modern way of life. I believe that I am an anachronism. I hate that romance is non existent. I almost feel silly when I try or even think of something romantic to do. I think that needs to be changed in the world. I love having fun, and will try to find the fun in any situation. I am usually the girl in the group that plans the parties and makes sure everyone is having a good time. I am adventurous, loving, and sometimes too nice for my own good. I love music, and everything about it. There is something about music that just takes you into a different dimension, where all your fears and pain breaks away... I love eccentric styles of music, but my favorite style follows under the rock category. I am a singer and am striving to be in a band that has the same pion and ideas about music that I do. I also love to dance and act. There is something about being on stage and performing for people that gives me joy. I like making people happy. Along with performing arts, I also have fallen in love with the art of Mage Therapy. There is something so beautiful about it... It's almost hard to explain. It's the amount of trust between you and the client. I mean common, you have to have incredible trust for someone to be laying on a table completely and having someone touch you. Also, there is something called "beingness", which is pure awareness, nonjudgement, trust, and I believe the true essence of the beginning of love. If you are in your beingness, you can mage blindfolded (which I have done before). Now, about him: I am looking for a guy that will get to know me for who I am. I want the guy that I am with to be my best friend. I want him to help me and let me help him, make me laugh and just do silly things together. I want to be completely myself with him and I want him to be completely himself with me. I want something that is beautiful. I want to be know that I am being thought about and I want to know that he cares about me. I want him to romance me, plan dates, and kiss me with pion. I want what people say is impossible and non existent. Anyone out there?
Profession: Massage Therapy
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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