CharlieX "Looking for my princess, though im sure she got thrown out of the castle"
46 year old man from Green Oaks, Illinois      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About CharlieX
Values: Honesty and loyalty integraty Likes, martial arts, hiking camping, anime, video games, outdoors stuff Dislikes: eating fish, Cheating, Non accepting people, Clification: Nice tall strong guy wth a big heart Expierence 1997-2000 = Bad, general bad boy 2001-2003 - Sensitive, kind and caring 2003-present - Sensitive king and caring guy who is nice and treats others with respect. Is charming and really tall. Sarcasm = 10 ******* factor = 6 Funny = 10 Caring = 7 Compion = 10 Tallness = 8 Job = 6 Creative = 10 Player = 3 Sexuality = 11.5 Kinky = 8 int = 9 Takes care of self = 7 Honesty = 9 Tact = 7 Openmindedness = 7 Plays games = 1 Crazy/psycho = 3 annoying = 7 Basicly, i'm someone that takes a while to understand me, though you'll get my nature really fast, i just have to sides of them. I'm both very good and very bad. I tend to find balance in the extremes. Not very proud of it though. I'm use to intense situations and i tend to rise up like a phoenix whenever those situations come, yet i get stagnant during normal life. I much rather prefer normal life. I own my own buisness, which is sucking right now, but will be doing good in a month or two. I'm very loyal and honest, but almost everyone says that. I mean come on, who's going to say "hey i'm a lieing bastard, and i cheat constantly!" I lost the desire to impress people a long time ago. People seem drawn to me, which is probly because i usually figure people out in seconds of knowing them and when they need someone to make them feel good, or need someone to turn to, i have an uncanny ability to say and do the exact right thing they need. I'm really wise, and smart enough to be stupid. I play aloof often and i heart someone who doesn't bore me in seconds. I hate being able to predict every response. I'm not to crazy about how i look, but personality and all the rest...i kick . I'm known for my ability to protect and keep people safe, and helping others. I'm also a hopeless romantic, but that side i don't show for a bit, because i tend to sweep people off their feet to quick, and they end up skipping the whole "are we really compatable stage". Crap, i guess i am honest, because i know most people will look at this and go "he's full of crap" or "he's got a huge ego" which is still funny because my ego isn't that big, actually i tend to be shy, well i tend to prefer to make others comfortable. I'm also the sweetest nicest guy you'll ever meet, unless your like super social, then i'll probly be in the top then! i'm funny, and can make anyone smile at any time when in person. Other then that, i'm just me. Oh i play a ton of insterments, am dyslexic, write poetry, books, compose music, write music with my guitar as well, and umm i'm creative! I never judge people on appearances, nor do i really ever judge, but i will crack jokes about random strangers. but thats mostly to amuse me and who ever i'm with at the time. I'm respectful, and i tend to avoid conflict. I don't give up, I rather talk stuff out then run away. I face everything even if i hate doing it. I have issues. These issues have been delt with a long time ago. So i'm pretty much me. Oh, i love sex, and experamenting. It goes into my whole "i get into stuff" which is my way of saying i'm curious about everything, and will enter obessive little side projects, like learning how to make pizza, or write a book, or make an anime music video. I'm so simple that people think i'm dirt poor. I just don't have alot of use for things. I also think every girl is a princess. If you know what movie that is from you, i'm sure i lost all points in manlyness in your eyes. Oh i have 3 big things to offer in a relastionship that women all want, but i want to make sure they arn't just looking for those things, so i'll tell them after i get to know you better. Here is what i want. A really want a sweet, kind, loving compionate girl, who can accept both my wicked streak and my loving nature, and love both equally. I get along better with people who have been through alot and overcame it, and left it in the past. I want a girl who is proud to be with me, and shows it. I prefer touchy feely girls as apposed to prudes. I need a very strong girl, yet not one that walks on others or is forceful. They gotta know themselfs to. Oh and i'll be superficial for once. I want a girl thats freakin hot to me, which is unusual for me to say. Then again i have weird taste. Though blonde hair is cute! I hate short hair, like boy boy short. Except sarah, her hair is awesome! *ducks flying boot* I want to have a ton of stuff in common, but enough where i can learn new stuff. Everything else is pretty much up in the air. Oh, things i don't prefer per say, divorced without valid reason, has kids (last relastionship i got really close and that distroyed me), black chicks for dating(just not attracted to that sorry), People who have ever cheated on their sig others, people with really bad teeth, people that push their beliefs on others (i'm pagan, though most people don't know that after 5-6 years of knowing me) I'm adding more, as this is my screwed up profile, and its more fun if someone has the advantage in knowing me. Lets see, i hate playing games, but i learned from girls so i'm better at it then most. Don't try, last girl who did, got confused and totally had a breakdown!!!! laugh. I type out laugh because i geeked out on a mud a long time ago. My apartment sucks and is really small, but thats because all i really need is cigs, food, computer, internet, good conversations and hmmm. no thats all!. I like making friends and have lots. I'm fat, and that picture doesn't really show it well, because it's not a recent one. I have a recent one! But it has a pic of my ex's kid on it and i dont wanna put that up on a dating site. I will show it if said user asks. There are three things that i would love everyday, and would basicly complete my life in a relastionship. Those are cuddling, mages and well....It's probly but i'm to embarased to admit that! Lets see, i dont really drink either. I'll have a drink once in a while, unless i get the taste, and i don't get drunk. I wear a size 16 shoe, so only have one pair of shoes. I like rum, because i think i'm part pirate, and part ninja, and yes, i have sake next to the rum...i wonder how it would taste together!1!! i like peanut butter and jelly with cheese. I've been insane, and got better. i can roll my own smokes, i really really really want a family and kids and ****. Message me if you interested in finding out more. Though it's probly easier to message me at sinxhu on AOL.
Profession: marketing and advertising
Physical Appearance
6' 4"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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