christinrk "Leave no room for doubt, i love my baby 4 ever!"
53 year old woman from Austin, Texas      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About christinrk
Hello let me introduce myself, I am Christine but my friends call me Renee or Nae for short. I am a complicated woman who loves a man with all her heart! I love with everything I am and also big on family, were very close. Daniel I really do love you! Could you be? What are we? It is right?currently out of reach? Found my light? Running running! Now I stop! Everyone searches and some never find that one special someone, and sometimes they just p them right by. A lot will stop and smell the roses but never look at them close enough to see their true beauty thus missing a chance to empower their mind about what truely is beautiful and what everyone in the end is looking for! A beautiful love that lasts a lifetime! I found my happy and my beautiful it just took some work to realize it was real and true! Don't stop looking and slow down take time to know someone before you decide what they mean to you. If you don't you might just loose the one true beauty in your lifetime! If you find that beautiful love hold onto it cherish it and let them know how truely beautiful they are and not just in appearance! You were right there and I didn't believe, now I know its meant to be! You are a wonderful friend to me! someone once told me I was beautiful......someone once told me I was special.......someone once told me I could do anything......someone once told me to never give up........thanks to all the someones in my life for helping me see that there is more to me than meets the eye! The day I lost my heart! I will never forget it! It was just gone I was a raw ball of nothing, with nothing to loose and nowhere to hide! The day I lost my heart was a day I gave up on life as I knew it and took another path, one that wasn't so very good. It was July 1 2007 and I will never forget the phone call, the frantic search and then my discovery the very next morning! The day I found you is the day I lost you....... so you might be confused about what is this babbling? In 2007 I lost my heart well a big part of it when my 16 year old niece was hit and killed by a drunk driver! I've never been the same and I never will be again, but I have learned to hold onto love and love more and deeper and keep your heart open even if it hurts cause once in awhile a wonderful someone will come in and do some repair.....even if they only stay for a bit the difference was made because you were open to them! Perfect imperfection!
Profession: everything and nothing
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
No answer
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live at home
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Christian - Other
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No answer
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