My name on AIM if you want to contact me is diablofire202 , and so you know, on Feb. 14 '05, I had a bad car accident, which resullted in a traumatic brain injury. Luckily, I didn't only survive, but I retained all of my academics, since most of the injury was right sided, and I really only used the left for most of life's uses of the brain, which are many. First off, you should probably know that I really am one of those brainy sorts of people, and I am really glad for it, because it has done a ton for me over the years. Apart from winning me the grand prize in the international Science and Engineering Fair, so I was said to be the best biochemist in the world in '03, but I am also being published in the American Journal of Investigative Dermatology. So, all in all, what I am saying is, do you want to go along for the ride? It has been one hell of a ride, after the head injury and all.
Profession: Student