Aloha! I love to: Live, Laugh, and LOVE! I'm a Man (Now in HAWAI'I) who is seeking a REAL, TRUE Woman who is or striving to be , a person like I am striving to be:
Wise and Knowledgeable: creative, curious, open-minded, loves learning, has perspective, innovative
Courageable: brave, persistent, having integrity, and vitality
Humane: loving, kind, having social intelligence
Just: understands, & accepts global citizenship, is fair, and has leadership qualities
Temperance: forgiving and merciful, humble, prudent, self-controlled
Transcendent: appreciative of beauty and excellence, graude, hope, humor, & spirituality
Contact me if you're a real, true, originally born Woman & you'd like to know more about me including seeing real photos of me. U won't B disappointed. 8)
Profession: Medical/I.T Consulting