WRITTENLYRIC "I am only as unique as the next man is common..."
44 year old man from North Highlands, California      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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What an odd thing.. "About me" as if the Human condition can be summed up in as little as 1500 words... We as a species are so complex that a Turkish proverb says "Man is harder than rock and more fragile than an egg." but I degrees, we are not here to discuss the academics of human existence but get to know each-other. But as I sit and stare at my 17inch monitor, I find it hard to pretend that its a person and hold a conversation. Does anyone else have that issue? or has this lack of personal communication become so embedded in our society that this is now the norm? I guess i could spit out random fact like; I’m not against getting into a routine, but sometimes feel anxious because I have no routine. Or that I’m insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity... Does knowing my history help? That I'm from Oakland but live in Sac or that I believe myself to be a walking contradiction in terms… Is the knowledge that i'm presently a full time student more interesting. for decades we have been feed the idea that “We want to get them excited about college, their education, their future.” and I am, but I understand one thing that they do not speak aloud. The future is unwritten, but don't worry, I have the pen. I've used up almost a thousand words but I still don't think I've told you much, what do you think? the foot note to the left says to "talk about your hobbies" for me, that's too much. I have a myriad of hobbies and choosing just one or two doesn't seem right. Next on there list is "Talk about your goals and aspirations" which sounds nice but it's meaningless, kinda like when you tell your mom you're dating a good guy, bring one home, then leave like you're going out then get in the car with P98543E061 (lol). Next up, "Talk about yourself and what makes you unique" my personal fav but remember the le to my page? nuff said, moving right along. Their finally is "Describe your taste in music." Seriously, this is 2012 damn near "THE END OF THE WORLD" lmao, most people will listen to anything. What does this nonsense tell you about a person? hell crazy people like Manson listen to clical music but they say rap that we listen to creates a violent personae in us all. So I guess I wrote four, scratch that, five paragraphs to tell you that when it comes to writing about myself... I'm lost. I can't make heads or tails of the question because leaves a lot open to interpretation. I am aware that some people will answer this with “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” But how much of that crap can you stomach? Why don't we punch people in the face for saying sh*tlike this? LMAO maybe that's a bit of that violent personae shinning through. I don't want to be come a case study so I'll say this... Lemonade is nice every once in a while, but I wont drink it every night. If there's anything you want to know, just ask, I happen to like conversation. I guess that's the End...
Profession: Management
Physical Appearance
6' 1"
Body type
Black / African descent
Marital Status
Never married
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