yourpanacea "I'll turn it off in all my all my spite i'll turn it off"
40 year old woman from San Jose, Nueva Ecija      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About yourpanacea
Im a laid-back type of person, i dont go out that much unless im with a close friend or a relative. I cant live without my mp3, my cellphone and my make-up purse. People often find me in my room or just in the corner listening to my mp3, reading e-books thru my phone or in front of the computer surfing, reading, watching stuff or downloading anything.(and that's what i do when im not working) I love wearing black pants and t-shirts, and highcut converse shoes. I like dying my hair now its kinda between red and black and i love it.(is it maroon?).When i get back home i'll dye it black again. (back-to-black!) I dont think i can get back to work with a weird hair color. I can change myself from femme to tomboyish and vice-versa. Im always told that people's first impression on me is that im 'snob'. I answer when i was questioned, i do things when i was told. ( sounds like a robot? ) Sometimes i wish that i could write a program that will tell me to be more talkative coz its a real pain in the a** when im in a new crowd and everyone is having fun while i was just sitting in the corner bitting my nails. Sometimes i can be a total arse, i say things without thinking first and end up either regretting it or revel on it.. My mouth do really overrides my mind at times. So if im being an a**, forgive me, or i can bribe you with an ice cream or chocolate? Choose, anything, just make sure its not over the budget :) I love music so much though i dont sing and play well in instruments. I love to learn to play keyboard, i wanna go and live in the Uk or Sweden. Im Starting to like this place... I hate roaches, all creepy crawlers! I hate being stared at, hey i mean 'do i have a booger in my mouth? Come here and lick it, ewwww'. I love spag and lasagna, adobo and sinigang-- I dont eat burger, i hate mustard or dressing, i dont even like the taste of hotdog. I know im being choosy when it comes to food, that's why i feel like im so different among average people. Everyone i know eats burger and hotdog but me! I hate... coriander! Any spices with wierd tastes, moving heights, and stupidity (stupid na nga ako sasabay ka pa!). Im a computer junky too. I just love everything about computer! Troubleshooting, networking and programming. But.. do you know what is the dumbest warning a computer can give you? ** KEYBOARD NOT FOUND, PRESS F1 TO CONTINUE... ** How the **** could I press the F1 button if the computer's BIOS was unable to detect my God damned keyboard?! Seriously, that is so stupid and frustrating!
Profession: Data Encoder
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
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Marital Status
Never married
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