Holland1185 "Hi...for a soul mate to share my life with!! please write, so i know that your interested in me!!"
75 year old man from Millmerran Downs, Queensland      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About Holland1185
Hi...Looking for someone who is totally committed to working at a permanent relationship. Not interested in one night stands. Must live in Australia, as I'm not interest in Sponsoring anyone to Australia!! If you are Interested in me, just Send me a Massage instead of Match!! Must be between 55 to 68 years old and NOT MARRIED or SEPARATED!! I would like someone who can stick around unconditional, when things start going wrong. These are the less romantic times. Someone who can appreciate the basic things in life. As long as we love each other enough to give comfort and be supportive with a willingness to listen attitude and be like JESUS not past judgment. I think we can develop a rewarding relationship together. At times we will come across four children: one wise, one wicked, one simple and one who does not know how to ask. These represent the four types of people—all of us—who we come across in our daily lives. Now, it's easy to label people. To stick them into a box, to call one person wise and another simple. But no one ever really fits so neatly. We are complex, and constantly changing and growing. We are often a combination of these four aspects, which is why another way of understanding the four children as four individuals is to understand them as four aspects within each and every one of us. When all four are viewed as a composite, when we learn to understand that people are much deeper than they first appear, we can truly experience freedom—freedom from paralyzing misconceptions and stereotypes. In fact, in order to be free, we must hone our ability to see that we and others are much more than we first perceive. With that said, I feel somewhere quite where we can talk to get to know, who we are talking too without perceiving the Child within us on the First Meeting. My turn-ons and what I’m looking for in a person: A woman who doesn't have the Holly Trinity in her!! I; me and myself!! I want this and you must Buy it for me so that I can make myself happy!! Whatever happened too we; us and ours?? We can invite our friends over too join us for Coffee!! What is Coffee?? Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere!! Please do not Laugh, because its True!! Someone who prefers to live in a very Rural Area away from the Rat Race of City Life!! My favorite pets or animals: Dogs; Birds.
Profession: Retired
Physical Appearance
5' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
No answer
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