I'm very independent and very dependable. I don't like to depend on others, but it's nice to know that someone's there if I needed them. I can be very stubborn at times, but most of the time I just go with the flow. I hate confrontations, but I like solving problems. I can be very complex. I hate shopping [especially if it's for clothes] and only go if I absolutely needed to. I don't wear any makeup, ever, only because I never got into it when I was younger. I might wear makeup once in a blue moon, but never every day. I can be a neat freak at times, especially if I'm really bored, I'll just start cleaning up and organizing everything. OCD... just a little bit. :)
I have a low BS tolerance. I hate when people tell me lies, there's no point in lying to me about something cause I'm bound to find out the truth sooner or later regardless of how I find out about it. A lie may fix the present, but it has no future!!
I'm the coolest chick that you'll ever meet, literally! Haha, just kidding. But maybe one of the coolest? :D
Profession: Heart Breaker