traineddragon "'looking for the same as you if we have the right things in common.'"
43 year old man from Phoenix, Arizona      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About traineddragon
I go by Will, I was born in Ohio. I'm 28 yrs. old and I see very clearly through mistakes and bad judgments. I lived and trotted a long hard, dark path.. I'm not the type that likes to dwell or expose very much so, with that in mind I'm going to depart... ][][][][][][][][][][ "Down came the rain & out came a wise hurt, young man" ][][][][][][][][][][ -I'm a man that likes many different things as I always try and keep an open mind. My favorite thing/s are Music & Poetry, I enjoy writing an singing, rather it be a hobbie or a profession. I'm not 100% sure why I signed up for this. (reguardless) How many times you've heard this, I'm not the typical man/guy. I love women and I believe it to be true; for man, a man is nothing without a good women by his side. I like to make a women feel good after a hard day with cooking, relaxing music or a mage what ever the case maybe. I have been in horrible relationships, I guess alot of women don't know how to act when a good man is around. It's sad, it really is. As of right now I'm out of work it's hard for me to say. I was a locksmith for sometime here in Arizona, Mesa. I was laid off and it's very hard to find a job a min. wage when I'm so use to making twenty an hour. That's ok cause as soon as my books take off I'll be in there. +) ->>PLEASE READ-->> I've been told this poem you are about to read is very romantic.. Really, everyone thinks I'm writing about someone personal; more so I'm writing about the ideal/s of love. Also what love can be and grow into.. -->>IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU'LL SOON READ--> View__Http:// A Trusting Poem62 By DomShadows Looking back on yesterday, again Drowning in a pool of sorrows Trying to bring back memories For now, something just to borrow It won't bring back "yesterday" No matter how hard we try and feel Can only look forward for tomorrow Knowing deep down you are real Love never fades away, True love anyways! I feel you flowing through Inside my veins, A heart so real, for you Another day blesses me Being able to dream of you And at this moment: Oh so glad, I can close my eyes Cause at this very moment And forever. with you Is where my heart lies. Copyright- Dom_Shadows 1995 ->>Check Out My> Writers/Poets Portfolio --->Dom_Shadows ][][][][][][][][][][ --------------------------- ][][][][][][][][][][ -----///\\\-----Please ----///--\\\----put this ---|||----|||---on your ---|||----|||---profile if ---|||----|||---you know ----\\\--///----someone -----\\\///-----who is living with, survived ------//\\-----or has ped away from -----///\\\-----cancer. ----///--\\\----Thank you..
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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