Hi there. Well, what to say about me? I'm just a sweet, shy, loyal girl. I 'm a big kid-at-heart. I keep every promise I make, except in dire emergencies. I believe compassion is the key to life. I'm a mixed bag in terms of my interest in types of movies, music, books, & t. v. shows. I find humor in the little things, even things other people might find weird. I'm a huge animal-lover. I'm not that picky about dating locations. That means I'd love a trip to the theater, but I also wouldn't mind a quiet drive just listening to music. I love picnics in the park. I like the idea of quiet time, of snuggling before a fire with a glass of wine, and reading to each other. I had a difficult childhood, but I like to think it's made me stronger. Think you can handle me? Let's find out.
Profession: student/caretaker