Hurry! there isnt enough time in my day! or anyones day! u always have to run from 1 set spot to another! its tonz o' fun!
Yeah, no... i hate rushing, im a strait laid back guy, i hate having to rush, ill take everything slowly, and as it comes...
*sigh* i guess i have to tell u everything about me, i wont lie, and u will have to decide weather or not to give me a chance. I've hinted at it before, but ill tell you, please dont judge, im a really nice guy, 1 of the nicest guys you would find here.
ill reminess and take u back, way back... to the spring of '07, i had just packed up my car and i was leaving BSU to come home from a long year at college, when i was halfway between Boise and Twin whe i wrecked, and i wasnt drunk or high- i dont know what happened i dont remeber. but anyways i recieved a TBI (A Traumatic Brain Injury) and its not the end of the wrld, at least not for me, i have to deal with this everyday, i wont break, and im not different- just be ureself around me, if u cannot do that then dont talk to me. I dont need a naysayer, yes im... 'different' and i shake a bit but nobody, and i mean nobody does not have some problems, i just wear my problems on my sleeve, an if u cannot deal with that, the dont talk to me. I dont need that.
I am still capable of doing most things, just ask, and do not be embarred to do so, im such a laid back guy, and just to let u all know im typing this whole thing with my left (my right arm was damaged, it just shakes terribly) but at least im not dead? nor am i trapped in a wheel chair? i can go anywhere -do anything... im not afraid, its very liberating... i feel ashamed of people who r afraid of me, because of my differences.
Im looking for a fairly nice looking woman, who has a fantastic sense of humor, and can retiality with humr against my witty remarks, someone who isnt shy, and just loves with the whole heart, and i can return that with love from the huge heart i have.
just take a chance on me, itll be completely worthwhile!
The last girlfriend that i had left me, as soon as she found out what had happened, and thats fine, she will regret the day she said goodbye to me, we can do it.
Written about 2 months ago · Comment · Like
Profession: Student