No matter what is written here about the man, he has to prove himself with persuasive writing to maintain an open and casual dialogue beyond hello. Social Media has made of many men cunning and skillful junior marketing agents. Self esteem through aggressive self advertisement is certainly personally satisfying. Even so, the SRO style streamlined sameness of men's' profiles on Match must quickly become vexing to the women. Suspect rhetorical tactics range from offers of free trips, " travel, just sort of a wild child!", to humiliation, with veiled accusations of a woman's incompetence such as, "...independent and you should be too."
To be sure, one sometimes must drink a lot of wine, daily enduring comedic levels of workplace incompetence and near singlehandedly redefining and saving your job on a daily basis. The moral and spiritual fulcrum of the industry in which you work and thrive is carved from the principles you bring to bear with every moment of every day, and the pressure you endure would be enough to break anybody else, first year. Carrying your weight today requires constant reassessment of goals and redoubling of efforts, and that's lost on too many. Too many, entirely.
If we open a dialogue, I will respond with something pithy and charming, guaranteed.
Profession: Live-in Caregiver