CampbellBear "Looking"
55 year old man from Campbell, California      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About CampbellBear
Well let's see. What can I put here? Well I am a down to earth guy who is not judgmental. I was raised with four sisters who beat me ... errr I mean taught me to respect women. [can't help the joke hehe] I don't drink nor do I smoke.. have not since I was 25. Scary I was able to quit cold turkey. Though I would be lying if I said I did not like the smell of a good thick cigar. *Sigh* But I am a good guy and continues without. I am more the family type of guy then the crazy bar/club hopping person.. course nothing wrong if your into that right? My way of thinking is live and let live. I respect you so long as you respect me. :) I am a big time movie buff and tend to watch movies.. sometimes it can be anything from animation to a western to action comedy fantasy yes I even watch an occasional chick flick. You know those of us still looking out there in life and having been hurt one way or the other.. I can honestly say I understand. I been hurt by ex's in many many ways but I would like to add the following story I heard a long time ago. This has helped me to continue with my head held up high as I learned from each relationship. When the world was young the great spirit watched over all creation.. from the largest animal to the smallest. Though all seemed fine the great spirit took note of man and pondered. Man had seemed saddened when witnessing the closeness of two animals in love. This made the great spirit think... taking the man from the world the great spirit devided the man in half from mind.. body.. and spirit. The great spirit then created woman. With satisfaction the great spirit placed man on one area of the world and woman in another. Both man and woman had endured hardships and loneliness. Across the time that went by something yearned in each of them.. an almost calling. Both went through alot of hardships but on one fateful day they came across one another and knew they were meant to be. Two halves of the same whole.. mind...body and spirt came together and they knew happiness. Now what I get from that story is that no matter how many broken relationships you go through that one day you will find your other half and together you will be happy and content because you both will already know the hardship of being alone and the hurt that is out there without your other half. So keep your chin up and never give up!! Well what more can I say? I am not a materialistic person though do like to be able to do small things for the special person in my life. Anything can be special if your heart is there. A little note.. a phone call.. a walk in the park holding hands or just snuggling close watching a movie. Alot has been lost in the way the world has taken in view... supermodels...the super rich... I tell you something the most beautifulest (Is beautifulest even a word? hehe) woman in the world and she has a rotten personality then her personality voids every bit of outer beauty she has. Beauty starts from within and it is there that a person can be known for. Her outer beauty only adds to the beautiful person he/she is already from the inside. With all that said I tell it like it is be it good or bad. I think communication is on very important in a relationship. I would like to find someone just as upfront as me. Honest and able to be loyal as I am. Thank ya.
Profession: healthcare/In home support
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
Latino / Hispanic
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
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