My name is Dave Ford and I live in Irons, MI. Which is about an hour and a half from traverse city. I love all types of rock! Well I don't really listen to a whole lot of pop rock! But I like genres like hardcore, emo (real emo hardcore not Dashboard type emo), screamo, metal, hard rock, 80s rock, punk, and most alternative rock! I play a little bit of acoustic and electric guitar but i would love to learn how to play b. I love the arts whether it be music, painting, writing etc.. I am a aspiring songwriter also. My favorite band is Underoath, their is also many other but i don't have that kind of time! I think i am a very well liked person never had much of a problem with people in general except wannabe players. I m a Christian and my religion is important too me, but i am not a bible thumper type person. I am going to college in traverse city at northwestern! It's a community i will get my required type cles then go on to a trade school to get a degree in recording arts and music management! My goal is to create a small record company that would promote local bands whereas the big studios didn't want them! But that's about it for know so if you have any other questions feel free to shoot me an instant message or whatever.
Profession: College in summer, recording arts/music manag.