Hello, and thank you for checking out my profile. I am extremely intelligent, nice, witty, loyal, open minded, and honest. I'm looking to find a girlfriend who is searching to find a good guy, intelligent (to some degree), nice, loyal, and open minded.
The list of things I enjoy to partake in are innumerable, thus causing a probable epidemic of aneurisms bestowed upon any unfortunate soul whom happens to attempt to read the inventory. So I'll just put down a few. I like to work out, I like working also. I love to cook (which I can do... and probably can do so better than you) I love technology, I like to go for bike rides, walks, I enjoy reading, researching, learning, and engaging people in intriguing conversations of epic proportions, I also have a penchant for video games, movies, computers, surround sound systems, and all those other cool vital to human survival objects that I simply wouldn't be able to sustain life without. I also enjoy cuddling and writing intimidating paragraphs :)
Should you contact me? Definitely. I'm awesome, and I'm sure you'll draw the same conclusion if you get to know me. I'm understanding, personable, and all that other good stuff I wrote at the beginning of this "brief blurb about myself". I'm definitely confident about my ability to be thoroughly cool, but I have my fair share of problems also that are on my mind. If you even need someone to talk to about whatever, I'm your guy, I believe I could be helpful in either listening, giving you advice/feedback or maybe just a different perspective on your situation, or put things into proportion.
Profession: Working in a restaurant