My headline says it all. This is only my second attempt at a dating service, the first one was a disaster. Why do people lie? If your picture is 20 years older than you at this moment in time, please don't bother me. If you say you're interested, then never write back ( I answer all ( I have been away, but now I'm back 10/16/2017) ) , please don't bother me. If all you can say is that I want to marry you (I can never figure this one out, how can someone say that without truly knowing a person), please don't bother me. On the other hand if you enjoy laughter, optimism, romance and just plain ole fun Please bother the hell out of me. I will answer all truthfully as I hate to lie, if you are good at lying, please don't bother me. I pray that everyone finds what and who they are searching for. I am passionate about romance, a very good Chess player but refuse to play with people's minds, unless its during a game of Chess lol. I love the beach, mostly at night because you can see way many stars, playing with my Great Nephew's, cuddling (which I haven't done in awhile). Friends FIRST, only after becoming friends can we explore other things.
Although I haven't had a drink in over 2 years ( 4 years now ), it is by choice. I can drink if I want to, just choose not to ;-) I have two favorite sayings: 1) Architects do it with Imagination!!! and 2) Integrity means doing the right thing when No one is watching. While I live by the fact that a Beautiful Woman is NEVER in the way. Mind you Beauty starts from deep within and Blossoms as it breaks the surface. Some people can look beautiful, but in reality their inner core is anything but.
Recently I started to help offline businesses with their online presence via Reputation Marketing, Video Marketing, Social Marketing and more. It seems that I am writing a mini novel and so If you would like to know more, you know what to do.
PS: I took and posted the picture moments after shaving off my full beard, perhaps I should have gotten tanned first lol. Age is just a number and if you are good with numbers, you can make them say anything you want. I will have to enlarge my age requirements as there is no age limits on friends. I was just trying to avoid the types of emails, that would drive me away from this site. It's a shame that they do not give you the option to say that you rarely drink in their choices. I can drink alcohol, just prefer not to. Also, if I say maybe in the "Are you interested " section, that means that it is dependent upon your wishes lol
I have received quite a number of messages from women suggesting that perhaps I should replace my picture with one where my chin is tanned. I say, if you can accept me at my worst, then you'll love me at my best. The picture stays lol.
PPS Please do not try to play me, because I came here to be honest and I do not want to pay games with other people's minds ( unless over Chess ). Please also be forewarned, that if you disregard this, you shall regret it, as I am very good with computers and their inner workings. I can most likely pinpoint your location anywhere on this 3rd rock from the sun, to within 50 yards.
Profession: Consultant in Architecture and Computers