ChrisIlarraza "Last of the good guys"
38 year old man from North Kingstown, Rhode Island      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About ChrisIlarraza
Hey, Chris here again and again lol, Ok, sorry i haven't been around, for uhm... anyone who wanted to talk to me. With my no computer and all, but I'm back now I guess. I've finally realized what it is that I want in life (relationship-wise)and that is to share every moment with the girl of my dreams (or someone close to that)and live like every moment could be my last and have that special someone to share them with. I'm tired of fake people and I need someone who will share my same likes and dislikes (or at least have the ability to deal with them i.e. i am borderline obsessed with sports) and is always the same person no matter what the situation. I'm also a very non-confrontational person, so someone who dislikes fighting and arguing as much as me would be a plus. That person also needs to be trustworthy (I've been hurt in the past) and understanding. Also, I have a hat... just gonna let that sink in and waste some time so you wonder what I'm talking about...ok, ready; I think it's awesome, but some have had different opinions of it. But it is my signature hat. No pics of it, but it's not obnoxious or unpleasant to look at. (It's a fedora) Don't judge me, it does look good on me lol And I know I'm young, but I've done a lot of partying so those are kind of behind me. Outside appearance doesn't mean much to me because I am one of the few guys left on earth who can spot inner beauty right off the bat. I'm caring, considerate, I tend to put others before myself, I'm reliable (meaning I will always be there for anyone who needs help or advice), I've been told I'm very funny so I think I can be pretty good at cheering people up and I can be very affectionate. I'm a big practioner of chivalry. I do enjoy "chick flicks", well not all of them, but I did like the notebook lol. I've been called genuine, what that means, I couldn't tell you. And I've been known to say something amazingly deep and wise, not knowing where the hell it came from. Like every other person on this planet, whether they would admit it or not I do have some flaws. Sometimes I interrupt people when they are talking (not in serious conversations; good listener), and sometimes I can be almost painfully shy. I don't know if that is a bad thing because I've been told that it's cute, however I see it as a flaw. Well, I've never written that much about myself or what I was looking for so hopefully I won't bore anyone to death, but if I hear about people dying at their computers from boredom, I'll know it was my fault lol. Anyways, if you're interested or just want a friend, e-mail me. Or nudge... but not too hard. High five, Chris I.
Profession: go-getter
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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