MiiszKitty "Lookin for someone great to be around with"
43 year old woman from Groton, New York      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About MiiszKitty
Well, I'm pretty much a simple girl that likes to have fun and loves 4 wheeling and driving around and a whole bunch more. I don't have kids of my own and I've never been married. I'm interested in a real man that accepts me for who I am. Perhaps I should mention that I'm also deaf but I also read lips and speak well, hopefully that doesnt scare you off... Im not any different from you just because I cant really hear as good as you. I'm currently a student in Bachelors for Health Care Administration. To be honest, it's not really something I'm wanting to do but it's something. Ive decided to get into Photography this time around. *laughs* um, I'm into as I said, 4 wheeling, photography, animals and carnivals and whatever else is out there. I also like traveling. Um I know Im saying a lot but if you want to know more, please ask freely. Im definitely NOT interested in games and liars and cowards, yeah I said it. Cowards. I'd rather a real man. Oh I also have a tattoo, so whoever has tattoos are cool in my book :-P
Profession: Student
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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