N8Short "Striving to make positive connections through music"
46 year old man from Lost And Angeless, California      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About N8Short
How's it going? Thanks for stopping by my profile. My name is Nathan, and I'll be your tour guide in this particular profile. If you have any question, just direct them to the contact box and I'd be happy to answer them. Now in this profile, we can be ourselves and not worry about expectations, first impressions, misconception etc. eh? I'm not looking to candy coat the truth and I'm not here to sell you anything. In this profile we practice understanding and tolerance and most of all patience (unless we're in traffic HA!!) So I'm like a music NERD, not a rock star (kind of a punk but not the pierced kind) but someone who loves music for music sake. I'm pretty much a nobody trying to get some attention. Although I have m potential, alas I'm still, at present, a nobody. However, the future is a wild ride and life has a funny knack for spontaneity so.... SHAMELESS PLUG!! :) http://www.myspace.com/natebshort Have a listen and let me know what you think... It's music created by ME so that would make it MINE, but if you want to listen, I'd be happy to share it and it could definitely be ours :) Hope you enjoyed your stay Sincerely Nate
Profession: Wouldn't YOU Like to know.
Physical Appearance
6' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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