Temetnosce01 "Alberta only : looking for friendship ... and possibly more!"
57 year old woman from Red Deer, Alberta      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About Temetnosce01
First off, I am NOT looking for a pen-pal. I am a happy, easy-going, glass-half-full type of gal. Attractive and sensual without being overly girly or too tom-boy. I seek and aspire to be someone who inspires others by simply being themselves. Hoping to find a fun partner-in-crime, - someone deep without being overly dramatic - loyal without without being possessive - intelligent without being precocious. Too much to ask? Basically, I am searching for a friend who could possibly become more over time. (see **important note** below) Things I am really good at : - Forgetting names - I excel at forgetfulness - Laughter - I enjoy laughing (who doesn't?) and making people laugh. I can be that GREAT friend who will help you get up when you're down, but don't think I won't have a laugh at your expense while I'm hauling you off your a***. *cheeky wink* I also have a knack for procrastination, Googling, as well as not putting away my clean laundry. Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food: Books: I honestly don't make enough time to read - when I do they're encyclopedia-type books (Graham Hancock is my fav - Jared Diamond a close 2nd) that are quite heavy to lug around and knock me out if I take them to bed. Movies: I should say something artsy here like indie or foreign films, but no, I like mystery/thrillers the most, and just about anything with Hugh Jackman or Jason Statham in it; and I've watched "True Romance" and "Top Gun" far too many times to keep count. I don't mind off-the-beaten-track movies like 'Secretary', but you can't say that without people thinking you want to be spanked. Food: I've recently RE-discovered juicing (fruit & veg - not steroids), but also enjoy cooking up a storm (especially in the right kitchen). I try to eat healthy, but will not deprive myself from eating anything with a face and/or a mother, and will eat just about ANYTHING (I'm not kidding when I say that - have you tried deep fried tarantula? = not bad, but the little hairs get stuck in your teeth - go figure!). I know next to nothing about wine but prefer Australian reds out of a bottle rather than a box. Music: I'm eclectic in my tastes, and I will often sing out loud - and likely off-key - don't ask me to remember words, bands, or titles (see aforementioned 'forgetfulness' issues > This warning also applies to Movies & actors, and you MAY have to partake in a quick game of charades to help me explain who/what I'm talking about) true story! Six things I could never do without (why 6? who knows - just a random # pick) In no particular order: * Laughter * Music (my Ipod is like my pet) * Sunshine (if it's cloudy for too long I start to get hazy) * The Internet * My pillow * Hubby (my best friend, even though we're not tied at the hip - and oh, **important note** we are NOT looking to ADD or subtract from OUR relationship) **important note** The most private thing I'm willing to admit: I don't always get my 8 servings of vegs a day, and I dislike the cold. *gasp* (why I moved away from Australia is still a mystery!!) You should message me if : You are NOT : an actress : willingly un-medicated for your mental illness : recently incarcerated, bigoted, addicted to booze or drugs: living with your parents : or looking for someone to cook your dinner every night and do all your housework. : You ARE : kind, witty, and smart (that would be swell). : If you're willing to cook MY dinner every night and do all MY housework then that MAY be an icebreaker! *cheeky wink* (just kidding!)
Profession: Lifeguard at Drive-Thru CarWash
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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