Topic: "Bored" Filter
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Sat 03/29/08 07:03 AM
After reading the 578,903rd "I'm bored" thread, I've come up with a solution.

Is this something that needs to be addressed, really? Well, yeah, because "I'm bored" threads don't help anybody:

1.) It makes the poster look like a lazy idiot. If you're bored, you can read a book, watch a movie, call a friend, get in the car and go somewhere. Whining about it in a dating site forum certainly isn't going to fix the problem, really, since the problem is not the boredom, per se, it's the person doing the whining (the "Boree"). As soon as the boree is done posting, he/she will still be bored, so nothing has been accomplished.

2.) It's not our fault (the rest of us, the ones who have the cranial capacity to get off our asses and do something if/when we're bored) if you're bored. There really isn't anything we can do about it anyway, since you've already proven yourself to be a waste of time -- by wasting ours.

3.) Constantly reminding others that you have less intelligence than a drunken lemur will probably not help you meet anyone on a dating site. Well, you may meet another lazy brain-dead drunken lemur, and that's fine, as long as the two of you don't end up procreating. But then you're both probably too bored to think about that.

4.) It's against forum rules to post them in General Discussion. This is from Mike's stickied post about placing topics in the proper forum:


Hi folks,

Please make sure to post your topic in the correct forum. For example:

- Topics such as "I'm bored", "Goodnight", and "What are you all up to tonight?" belong in the Chit Chat forum.


Is this difficult to comprehend?

And yet I have found myself, on some days, moving dozens of "I'm bored" threads from General into Chit Chat. Some days, it's only a few, but then I'm not the only one moving them.

What I'm proposing is a filter that would automatically delete any topic posted with "bored" in the title. What a time saver for those of us who really don't want to have to slog through the pathetic nonsense to get to a real topic....and for those who have to move them.

And yes, I realize the magnificent irony that this filter, if implemented, would have also deleted this very thread at which you are now looking. It's a small sacrifice to make.

Later, I will have some ideas about how to handle TPAY threads. Right now I'm leaning towards suggesting a provision in the Terms of Use that would compel anyone claiming they would do an act, as delineated in a TPAY thread, to actually have to go through with it. There may be some logistical issues with that one.

johncarl's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:09 AM
i agree with you.some need to get a life

BlackForkFella's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:11 AM
Well said, my thoughts exactly

Jess642's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:14 AM
How about not only blows up the thread, but the post a topic button disappears for an hour?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:21 AM
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker Love it Lex!!!

no photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:22 AM

How about not only blows up the thread, but the post a topic button disappears for an hour?

Ooooooh, I like that one! And maybe the length of time that the button is gone could increase each time they try to post this stuff!

A simple "If....Then...." incremental timer with a filter-trigger counter should suffice....

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:23 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sat 03/29/08 07:23 AM
Are there only a few here who just DON'T get bored?.....

...Or if the slightest hint of humdrum arrives; moves to, engages in, or initiates........interesting, thought provoking, or at least fun/silly conversations?.......

....Perhaps even goes outside to play?

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:48 AM
drinker (((Lex)))

(ot-ohhhhhhhh I'm bored) laugh :wink:

Lily0923's photo
Sat 03/29/08 09:05 AM
I have always been told...

If your bored, it's because you are boring....

pkh's photo
Sat 03/29/08 09:20 AM
I agree also

no photo
Sat 03/29/08 09:24 AM
drinker bigsmile Thank god someone said it!!! Boring people say they are bored!!! I get bored just thinking about them!!! Sometimes I just want to get my online bullets and then......noway laugh noway

Lily0923's photo
Sat 03/29/08 09:29 AM

Are there only a few here who just DON'T get bored?.....

...Or if the slightest hint of humdrum arrives; moves to, engages in, or initiates........interesting, thought provoking, or at least fun/silly conversations?.......

....Perhaps even goes outside to play?

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.... I have a lot of little compartments up in there to sift threw. It's amazing what you forget you have until you start cleaning out the proverbial closets and drawers....

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 03/29/08 09:48 AM
I'm never bored but i would love to get drilled..bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Sat 03/29/08 03:53 PM

After reading the 578,903rd "I'm bored" thread, I've come up with a solution.

Is this something that needs to be addressed, really? Well, yeah, because "I'm bored" threads don't help anybody:

1.) It makes the poster look like a lazy idiot. If you're bored, you can read a book, watch a movie, call a friend, get in the car and go somewhere. Whining about it in a dating site forum certainly isn't going to fix the problem, really, since the problem is not the boredom, per se, it's the person doing the whining (the "Boree"). As soon as the boree is done posting, he/she will still be bored, so nothing has been accomplished.

2.) It's not our fault (the rest of us, the ones who have the cranial capacity to get off our asses and do something if/when we're bored) if you're bored. There really isn't anything we can do about it anyway, since you've already proven yourself to be a waste of time -- by wasting ours.

3.) Constantly reminding others that you have less intelligence than a drunken lemur will probably not help you meet anyone on a dating site. Well, you may meet another lazy brain-dead drunken lemur, and that's fine, as long as the two of you don't end up procreating. But then you're both probably too bored to think about that.

4.) It's against forum rules to post them in General Discussion. This is from Mike's stickied post about placing topics in the proper forum:


Hi folks,

Please make sure to post your topic in the correct forum. For example:

- Topics such as "I'm bored", "Goodnight", and "What are you all up to tonight?" belong in the Chit Chat forum.


Is this difficult to comprehend?

And yet I have found myself, on some days, moving dozens of "I'm bored" threads from General into Chit Chat. Some days, it's only a few, but then I'm not the only one moving them.

What I'm proposing is a filter that would automatically delete any topic posted with "bored" in the title. What a time saver for those of us who really don't want to have to slog through the pathetic nonsense to get to a real topic....and for those who have to move them.

And yes, I realize the magnificent irony that this filter, if implemented, would have also deleted this very thread at which you are now looking. It's a small sacrifice to make.

Later, I will have some ideas about how to handle TPAY threads. Right now I'm leaning towards suggesting a provision in the Terms of Use that would compel anyone claiming they would do an act, as delineated in a TPAY thread, to actually have to go through with it. There may be some logistical issues with that one.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bring on the filters,,,

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe more of the lurkers would come out...bigsmile

DebbieJT's photo
Sat 03/29/08 03:55 PM
oh boo im boreddddddddddddddd urm ok actually not but felt like saying it cos im never boredlaugh laugh

no photo
Sat 03/29/08 04:07 PM
drinker drinker GREAT POINTS Lex,,,,I agree, now I just gotta think if I have posted wrong before,lol,lol,loldrinker