Topic: Bush’s Legacy of Failure | |
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Damn! Just when it was starting to get good!!!
![]() curious what i missed |
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Edited by
Thu 03/20/08 10:17 PM
Lindyy says: And, what is with all the hate Bush threads anyway? He is not running for President. Get over it. Or, perhaps, one does not have the mentality to get over it and on with the future? Perhaps that is the whole problem with some people in America. Lindyy ![]() Bush will be out next year, but if another Republican is elected President, unfortunately, his legacy will live on. It is a legacy of failure. He might have done a few things right like going after the Taliban in Afghanistan and trying to eliminate AIDS in Africa, but for the most part, everything this man has done has hurt America and our standing in the world. And now there is a housing crisis and looming inflation caused by the war, the weakening dollar and greed/predatory lending going unchecked on Bush's watch. Katrina, Rumsfeld, the Iraq War, the list of failures goes on. He is the absolutely worst President in the history of this country and we as citizens of the United States will live with the catastrophe Bush Jr. has wrought during his 8 years in office for decades. |
Edited by
Thu 03/20/08 10:28 PM
He is the absolutely worst President in the history of this country and we as citizens of the United States will live with the catastrophe Bush Jr. has wrought during his 8 years in office for decades.
Edited by mnhiker on Thu 03/20/08 10:17 PM Sad but true! This catastrohe needs to be tackled immeadiately and directly! Unfortunately we are left with candidates, cabable of doing little more than stop-losss! IMO, there is only one of those that would be McCain... Damn Pubes!!! ![]() ![]() |
He is the absolutely worst President in the history of this country and we as citizens of the United States will live with the catastrophe Bush Jr. has wrought during his 8 years in office for decades. Edited by mnhiker on Thu 03/20/08 10:17 PM Sad but true! This catastrohe needs to be tackled immeadiately and directly! Unfortunately we are left with candidates, cabable of doing little more than stop-losss! IMO, there is only one of those that would be McCain... Damn Pubes!!! ![]() ![]() How is McCain going to get us out of Iraq? What's his exit strategy? ![]() |
President Bush is not a loser. ![]() I would never want to be President because no matter what you do, no one is happy, everybody complains, you get bashed left and right. WHY try? Lindyy ![]() well, he's certainly not a winner. he vacationed us right into 9/11 and has been screwing us ever since. generally, people are more happy when you're not a buffoon Toasted: Explain what you mean by being a buffoon. Dates, times, places, incidents being done. Otherwise, do not makes derogatory remarks when you cannot back them up. President Bush is a WINNER, only not in the eyes of those filled with hatred simply because he is a Republican and a Conservative and a Christian. There is so much hate and prejudice in this forum, people must have had very hateful family lives, cannot accept responsibility for their own lives and actions so they blame it on the President. Can I blame Clinton on my son's death? I mean after all, it was during his tomfoolery presidency that my son was killed. Bush inherited Clinton's recession, but you all so easily want to overlook that. Clinton has been disbarred from practicing law ever again in Arkansas, but I guess that he was such a fantastic President, that that is why he got disbarred? Then there is the Whitewater scandal of the Clintons. When Omar Khadafy offered Bin Ladden to Clinton 'on a silver platter' in 1998, Clinton said "No, I do not think he is that much of a danger." NOW, WHICH PRESIDENT IS THE SCREW UP? Lindyy ![]() |
have you not heard ONE speech the man has given?
btw, i think "i'm tired of swatting flies" trumps the clinton quote. bush had done nothing to that point except vacation
| bush tap dances while umerika goes bankrupt, troops die and the houseing market collapses
No, really.....Bush IS the worst president ever. (P'rolly the most stupidest too!
![]() We can write all night about all the things that went wrong or down the toilet during the Bush administration. Finding fault with Bush and the govt. is pretty's everywhere. What I want to know is, what are the positives of this administration? What has this govt. done for us, the commoners, lately? That's what I'd like to know, 'cause from where I am sitting, everything from healthcare, the war, the economy, gas prices, Katrina, 9/11, etc. looks pretty f*cking bad! |
All I got to say about the bush vs clinton thing
clinton-gas 75-98 cents per gallon bush-gas $3.00-$7.00 per gallon which would you consider was better |
No, really.....Bush IS the worst president ever. (P'rolly the most stupidest too! ![]() We can write all night about all the things that went wrong or down the toilet during the Bush administration. Finding fault with Bush and the govt. is pretty's everywhere. What I want to know is, what are the positives of this administration? What has this govt. done for us, the commoners, lately? That's what I'd like to know, 'cause from where I am sitting, everything from healthcare, the war, the economy, gas prices, Katrina, 9/11, etc. looks pretty f*cking bad! Let's see. Healthcare: Well, President Clinton couldn't get through national (socialized) medicine (lord knows how his wife did try) so why is that a failure you attribute to President Bush? Furthermore, please point out for me the part of our Constitution that promises health care? Under which Article is that "right" found? And why stop there? Why not houses for everyone, paid for by the government? Oh, and cars as well? The war: Good people can disagree on this one but almost every Democrat voted to authorize force in Iraq and it is Congress that approves funding (which they could have cut off at any time) so I'm not sure why again you single out GWB on this one. The economy: Well, we should revisit that one after universal govt. sponsored health care is created. Taxes will be fun then. Gas Prices: Everybody's favorite grab. President's don't set oil prices. They never have and they never will. Proof of that will be pretty evident once the next Democrat is in office and prices stay the same. Katrina: Do this. Go out and dig a small hole in your yard. Wait for it to rain. Report back. For YEARS officials in New Orleans were told to divert massive amounts of money to fix and protect the city from a Cat5 Hurricane. For years they ignored those recommendations. I won't argue that the Federal Response was slow and weak but less of a response would have been needed if state and local officials had spent a bit more time taking care of what really mattered. 9-11: Right--that one is Bush's fault too. No no, not the guys who slashed the throats of the flight attendants and aimed the planes into buildings that held host to a number of people of varying religions (some Muslim) and was Bush's fault. Finally, you are right about one thing. Bashing President Bush is not hard. I've written in other posts here that it is almost sport anymore and while some seem content to just copy and post articles written by other people (again, it's not like that takes a lot of effort) I never felt like doing the same under Clinton. One more thing--I did not vote for GWB and I'm not a radical right-wing anything. I just find that my yawn reflex gets used a great deal when I read how everything from Katrina to Oil, health care is the fault of one person. Please! -Drew |
Thank you, so very much.
Someone with intelligence. But you know, I do not think anyone here cares. If I did not love my country so much, I would actually hope a democrat gets in office in November, and then sit back and watch the disaster that will take place. Lindyy ![]() |
have you not heard ONE speech the man has given? Toasted: That was a stupid question. I have listened to almost all of President Bush's speaches. Did you even THINK before you posed that question to me? I do not think so. His first 2 State of the Union speeches and the ones after 9/11 were the most ELOQUENT, compassionate, thought provoking speeches ANYONE EVER gave. Now, I know you do not like that, but you do not like anything positive. That is very sad for a young man, to be so closed minded and blinded. Hopefully in time you will mature and grow. Lindyy ![]() |
Thank you, so very much. Someone with intelligence. But you know, I do not think anyone here cares. If I did not love my country so much, I would actually hope a democrat gets in office in November, and then sit back and watch the disaster that will take place. Lindyy ![]() OK, since I didn't get a response from Fanta, I'll ask you. How is McCain going to get us out of Iraq? What's his exit strategy? ![]() |
Thank you, so very much. Someone with intelligence. But you know, I do not think anyone here cares. If I did not love my country so much, I would actually hope a democrat gets in office in November, and then sit back and watch the disaster that will take place. Lindyy ![]() OK, since I didn't get a response from Fanta, I'll ask you. How is McCain going to get us out of Iraq? What's his exit strategy? ![]() Hiker: We went through this before on another thread, remember? You are not going to vote for McCain, so do not worry about. Let it go. I am in no way trying to get anyone to vote for anyone. I am just sick to the stomach of all the bashing of President Bush, Republicans, Conservatives, Christians. WHAT is happening to this country - all the hate and bashing? Our country will just grow further and further and further apart with all this nonsensical, idiotic, hate and bashing. So be it. Lindyy ![]() Lindyy ![]() |
![]() ![]() Mine wasn't. |
Edited by
Fri 03/21/08 08:26 AM
when governmental entitlements fulfill the total of needs begged,
when wages come from the Treasury, when all our ills are satisfied by government intervention, when all are equally blessed with every conceivable risk insured by the good faith and will of the government, when we all receive that degree from higher educational institutions, when all have every need and whim afforded by governmental decree and edict, it will be government that supplies the lack. it will be govenment that supplies the will. it will be government that seizes the will. it will be govenment that owns the equity. it will be gvernment that oppresses. it will be the governments' responsiblity. it will be the governments' obligation. it will be the governments' decision. it will be the end of liberty and freedom. it will be the prison of prisons. All hail the New World Order! I'll be fishing on the Klamath River and eating miner's lettuce and sleeping under a tree. Gladly...... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 03/21/08 09:11 AM
Thank you, so very much. Someone with intelligence. But you know, I do not think anyone here cares. If I did not love my country so much, I would actually hope a democrat gets in office in November, and then sit back and watch the disaster that will take place. Lindyy ![]() OK, since I didn't get a response from Fanta, I'll ask you. How is McCain going to get us out of Iraq? What's his exit strategy? ![]() Dude, Fanta was asleep!! ![]() I didnt say McCain would get us out of Iraq. He is the only candidate that as Pres will not result in the further decline of our global status and respect. (ie,, stop loss). He is not my choice, but I will not vote for Hillary or Obama, and I wont waste my vote by writing in Mickey Mouse or someone similar. My vote has been reduced to a wild card. (The independent voter will decide this election, they always do) Pubes will vote Pube, and Dems will vote dems. It is just the nature of the beast. Dems have already shown their incompetence by leaving us with a choice between two DA's. Hillary, and Obama!! (With real hope coming from possibly Edwards or Richardson, how could this have happened??) Hillary and Obama, are possibly the only two candidates that could be worse than Bush. As a vet, I trust McCain's Patriotism and love for America, and trust he will at least keep us from falling into purgatory!! We can and will survive this ??war?? The most damage that has been done to America and the US Dollar, comes from our lop-sided trade deficit. The loss of manufacturing in this country and our purchasing green channelled to other countries has caused this. We are reduced to a country with a service industry foundation, thanks to corporate policies bought from politicians, and executed by the likes of the Clintons and Obamas via Nafta and other trade agreements designed to favor corporations, not Americans!! The only thing that could possibly change my vote would be a third party candidate. say if Paul were to run as a libertarian??? Even that scares me!! ![]() |