Topic: The fat n sassy women club | |
Folks I am very tired, I need to go to sleep, get up & do it again tomorrow. I need to put in 20 hours before midnight friday.
nite have a good one
Good Night Red have a good one and take care!
OC we have a huge rift in my community over the wolves. I love that they are here, but I havn't got livestock. I can see both sides.
I think it's great that predators are making a comeback, but it will cause some problems because there are more people around now.
no there not we are losing a lot of animals that ill never be here again
OC I started a thred in the Wisconsin section can you find it?
I would love to chat more but I really need to go to bed now. |
no there not we are losing a lot of animals that ill never be here again we are losing species worldwide, but here in Wisconsin, Eagles, wolves & apparently cougars are coming back. |
OC here's a thraed on cougars if you are interested. |
sweet dreams everyone! |
I am gonna shut up on this subject u have a great night tc
poopin dingos flying legs skippin arms laughing toes smiling ears angry eyes
that was a bit random oc..
poopin dingos flying legs skippin arms laughing toes smiling ears angry eyes running nails flipping spoofs nagging sprogs
lol so is that I am really bored
well hello bored.. im sleepy.. hehe. |
nice to meet u sleepy
ya, me too !
anyone still around?