Topic: Pictures | |
Some would do better not posting their pic...**** guess I'm one of them!
I'm new on this site but have posted in the forums on other sites and
this subject seems to always come up in the forums. Someone mentioned a few pages back that getting to know the inner person first is better, then it's just an added bonus when you finally see their pic. The problem with that is the fact that you might very well get to know the inner person and become somewhat attracted to them through conversation only to find that there is no physical attraction what so ever. If a person is on a site only to make friends that's fine. But if you're on a dating site to possibly find someone special...well, everyone knows that physical attraction is important. So when you get to know someone, find them interesting and attractive through words but then there's no interest physically, someone always gets their feelings hurt. JMO. |
Ok, listen-up now....OleJeb has tried at least 6 or a half-dozen dating
sites. Have met a lot of good friends. Some had a pic on their profile and some didn't. Here's one example, After corresponding thru the site for a couple of months one lady and I decided to exchange phone numbers, we exchanged pics and after another couple of months we decided we wanted to meet. I drove a few hundred miles to meet her...we met at a restaurant, I recognized her, but boy she had changed very much. The pic she sent me was at least 12 or a dozen years old. I already knew that, believe it or not, women will sometimes lie about their age. NOW I know that you can't always believe a picture. OleJeb could post a pic here...but would have to hire a secretary to help with all the correspondence, lol. |
A little secret i hope Im not the only one...Ok I'm shallow . Even tho I
dont want a guy to judge me by my looks,weight,age, or whatever..i still look at the picture before reading the profile...and then I will only respond if he makes me laff.... |
If u are the guy or girl that is just looking for "Look's" then Yes u
need a pic but i like to get to know someone more then just look's then i think u be more happy but who care's it's all about Look's now day's huh ? ""Not for me "" |
nope, you are absolutely right, most guys won't touch you w/o a pic
You're not entirely wrong, Shadow (interesting you chose that user name. It's what I some times feel like. ). But nobody said, it had to be a photo of me. I'll gladly email a photo of me, to any friends who want one. I just am not comfortable, at this time, about posting one of me online.
I’m too ugly a pic will get me less responses.
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How old do you think I look?
Where did everybody go?
How old do you think I am?
Only here to chat. If you need my pic to chat with me then don't I sure don't need to see yours....thanks though. If I feel it prudent I will put it up. ;)
how odd....... am I?
i find it funny that this topic came up. Cause People with pics Sometimes dont even talk to you.
You can be a very nice person (me) Just trying to make good normal conversation to make friends. The site is called "justsayhi" not "Justignorethenicepeoplethatsayhiandtalktowhoyawanna" I think this place would be better if the people that claim to be nice actualy prove/show it. Feel Me? |
Hi Mugen as for me I like to see who Im talking to but i understand what you are saying I dont type or spell well dont get much responds back eather