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Topic: nearly a year and a half
catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 02/19/08 02:33 PM
Waves Hi! :smile:

Totage's photo
Tue 02/19/08 02:33 PM

get a cat!
I love kitties!!!!


daniel48706's photo
Tue 02/19/08 02:44 PM

when I first joined this site it was small but seemed much friendlier, too many of the topics today seem to glorify drugs, alcohol and just about any other vice you can name. also have noticed too many of the early members here are gone, not saying the new members are bad just miss so many of the old ones, who have dropped out for one reson or another.sad sad sad

Good point -- I've never seen so much drunk talk in one place, ever. I suspect there's a correlation between "drunk" and "bored," having to do with damage to brain cells, but I can't prove it yet.

When I first signed on here, there were some really cliquish groups that simply refused to accept or include anybody who wasn't a part of their gang since Day One -- made it hard for new people to fit in and make friends.

Then it got better, as new members joined (and we had mass influxes from at least two other sites), and the cliquey old-timers whined "this site isn't the way I like it!" for a month or two before most of them left. Like they thought the site was made only for them and nobody else had any business joining and cluttering up "their" JSH.

It was pretty darn good for awhile, and now we've got a whole batch of new cliquey types who refuse to deal with anyone outside their gang. It's cyclical, I guess.

This too shall pass....

lmao, wow Lex, I had forgotten about all those cliques condemning all the new people, and the "immigrants" from the other two dating sites...

I joined just after you did, and I remember all of that too. I also remember a very good friend of ours getting framed and bullied until she left on her own, to never come back, and sadly, some of the perpetrators of that act are still around (I still have one of them blocked from when she attacked me, lol).

But it all got so much better, once people started settling down and accepting everybody else, and your right, it appears to be starting again. I just got accused of "stalking" someone because she jumped into two different threads I had been involved with, and I challenged her opinion (politely) in the one, and asked her why she felt the way she did in the other. I bring this up because it leads into the fact that we now have moderators that help to police the site, and they took care of that issue immediately (even deleted my apology for offending her, lol). I do not know, nor care if anything was said to her, but they came in and erased both the attack ad my apology to it.

Anyway, back to lex, lol your right, it appears to be cyclic in nature, and I just hope that it starts too slow down after this revelutio and comes to a stop when everybody is happy and content.

no photo
Tue 02/19/08 03:01 PM
Daniel -- What I've seen, pretty consistently for over a year now, is that the majority of the people who sign up and participate here in the forums are here because they legitimately want to communicate with people, make friends, and maybe even more.

I could name 100 who have shown up just in the last couple months or so, who have become tremendous assets for JSH.

The problem is that it only takes a few to "organize" a clique, to start causing problems, and to take it upon themselves to create an environment in which other people, new people, are ignored and excluded, through no fault of their own.

This is not really the type of environment that's conducive to attracting and retaining the people we want to have here....when you have people devoting entire threads to "don't talk to us unless you're part of our group" or "we're going to try to take over the forums" (nice trick, if you think you can pull it off!), that runs entirely contrary to the reason why the site was created in the first place.

They're the first to complain when anyone says/does anything they don't like, but care nothing about how their attitudes impact on other people. I saw several of the members of one clique mercilessly bullying a newbie not all that long ago, and it was brutal.

But, yeah, it does appear to be largely a cyclical thing. I've noticed one of the cliques dying down, in some respects, just in the last week or so. Might be that they feel they're not getting enough attention....?

no photo
Tue 02/19/08 03:02 PM

when I first joined this site it was small but seemed much friendlier, too many of the topics today seem to glorify drugs, alcohol and just about any other vice you can name. also have noticed too many of the early members here are gone, not saying the new members are bad just miss so many of the old ones, who have dropped out for one reson or another.sad sad sad
I miss all of the old members too!!!sad sad sad

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