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Nervesgone's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:24 PM
Okay, This 13 year old daughter. Tell me what you think about her from
her picture and then tell me how or if you have anything aginst her hair
style!! I, myself think it's Ridicules but it dosent make me thinks she
is a devel worshiper or a drug addit. Mom's, I really need your opinions
too, PLEASE!!

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:27 PM
This is my 13 year old daughter's picture! LOL I can't leave it up too
long, she would probably so kill me!!!

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:30 PM
uhmmm I have no problem with it, they style or color..I do stuff like
that once in awhile to my hair and so does my son

shelly36c's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:31 PM
she's going through a phase and will grow out of it. I did the same

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:32 PM
great hair, where can i get mine fixed like that?

sdlisa92116's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:33 PM
being a mother of 3 I would say that it gives the impression of someone
who is in trouble, and that has parents that don't care about her to let
her walk around looking like that. I mean if she was going to a concert
or a freak show maybe but not everyday.

shelly36c's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:33 PM
i went through High School with pink hair

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:34 PM
hi shelly.

shelly36c's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:35 PM
hi chris

TheShadow's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:39 PM
That hair is normal out here but like someone said she is going through
a phase but then a gain she my never come out of it LOL Sorry Nerves

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:40 PM
Just because you have a hair style and colors like that so does not mean
you have problems, or are a trouv\blemaker or a feak..misconceptions
like that are what kills the world and kills individuality

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:41 PM
shelly, nice picture.

shelly36c's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:42 PM
thank you chris

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:43 PM
This was not everyday. I picked her up at her mimi's last Friday night
and had to stop at Wallyworld for a minute, well her mimi gave me hell,
then the ex gave me hell and the x sis, damn all the ex's. I don't
really have anything against it. At least she ain't wanting belly button
piercing or crazy stuff like that. She is having some academic issues at
school though. But she is definately not allowed to school like this.
This was new for her this weekend. She wore it like that yesterday to a
friends birthday party and today at a birthday party at the skateing
rink. Ofcourse she and I stopped at O'Charlies to eat on the way home
since her mom took her sister to Outback. But I was comfortabile with
her there in public. I thought nothing less, ofcourse, she is my

TheShadow's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:43 PM
Yeah lol chris

baby_gurl's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:45 PM
i like the hair!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:46 PM
Baby should I try that LMAO it would be like almost two feet in the air

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:47 PM
Well, I tell you, I am catching HELL over it!

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:47 PM
let her keep the hair. come on it's her behavior that counts, not her
hair style.

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:48 PM
She was complaining about it being too long shadow. Thank God she didn't
cut it!!!

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