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ShagnaC's photo
Sun 12/17/06 10:14 PM
I have a 14 year old and 17 year old and a lot of the times they will
express themselves in the way they present themselves in public through
their stle of hair or clothes.
I myself would NOT pay for my kids to do something like that but if it
is their dime then it is their choice.
For me I would ask your daughter why she feels she need to attract
attention to herself with the people she might be trying to impress or
fit into that certain crowd.
Good luck, thank gosh most phases pass! Just keep a open line of
communication with her.
My daughter never did the hair thing but both my daughters got into the
piercings. thank gosh that passed also.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 12/17/06 11:05 PM
I agree it is a phase she is going through. I will tell you though being
a red head from birth. They did not have the same hair styles when I
was growing up. I have an 11 year old here myself and she would not be
alloud to go to school due to the fact the School would call that an
un-natural color and would not allow her to attend until it was changed
back to a natural color. They actually have rules against it here. It is
up to her though really. She has to live with it. On the other hand if I
ever did anything like that to my hair growing up My parents would not
take me anywhere. As that would be embarassing to them to be seen with
me. I would be glad she didn't decide to go skinhead if it was me.

Sluggo's photo
Mon 12/18/06 12:03 AM
LMAO Kevin, Give her a chance, that might be next. It's situations like
this Nerves that make me thankful that I don't have Kids.

If I had Kids (again, thankfully I do NOT) I wouldn't allow the hair
style unless it was on a special occassion (such as Halloween or maybe a
Punk Rock Dance at School). You are paying the Bills and You do have the
right to say Yes or No.

As someone said in this post she probably is trying to find a Group that
she fits into and with that said take a close look at the Group she is
trying to fit into and ask yourself if that's what you want from your
Daughter? If you're ok with that then you might want to recommend to
your daughter that she might want to take up an interest in
Video's/DVD's, Coffee or Music... because those are the only stores that
she'll be able to get a job at when she starts working......

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