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Topic: When chatting with a potential friend/significant other
Peccy's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:08 PM
When chatting with a potential friend/significant other, is use of proper grammar and spelling important?

iceprincess's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:09 PM

Wonderbread's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:09 PM
Depends on how well you know the person.

HMontana's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:09 PM
wth. is u jockin?:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:09 PM
glasses With me it mattersglasses

madamx7316's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:10 PM
hell i dont care, as long as the point gets across. i think people put too much emphasis on the proper grammar thing. its chat for goodness sake, not a term paper!

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:10 PM

no photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:11 PM

livelife68's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:11 PM

hikerchick's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:11 PM

hell i dont care, as long as the point gets across. i think people put too much emphasis on the proper grammar thing. its chat for goodness sake, not a term paper!

honey, it's a fukking job application. you have to dot your i's and cross your t's.

yvory's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:11 PM
yes. for me its a turn off if someone can't spell right and know the difference between: They're, Their, There.

Peccy's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:12 PM

hell i dont care, as long as the point gets across. i think people put too much emphasis on the proper grammar thing. its chat for goodness sake, not a term paper!
Believe it or not I agree, speed breeds typos

hikerchick's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:12 PM

yes. for me its a turn off if someone can't spell right and know the difference between: They're, Their, There.

I agree

madamx7316's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:12 PM

hell i dont care, as long as the point gets across. i think people put too much emphasis on the proper grammar thing. its chat for goodness sake, not a term paper!

honey, it's a fukking job application. you have to dot your i's and cross your t's.

no wonder i been havin trouble....geesh i been dottin my t's and crossin my i's :tongue:

HMontana's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:12 PM
So serious tonight...'cept my Hiker and Madam...:heart:

Monosyllabic♥Girl's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:12 PM
Gosh I hope not, or Im in troublenoway

Peccy's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:12 PM

yes. for me its a turn off if someone can't spell right and know the difference between: They're, Their, There.
Or your and you're

JaceKnows's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:13 PM
Yeah, it matters. When someone types, "your so funny u kno that", I just want to cringe and I can't help but think, "She never passed 3rd grade English.".

That could be the anal-retentive English major in me, though.... <shrug>

madamx7316's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:13 PM

So serious tonight...'cept my Hiker and Madam...:heart:

im always serious laugh :tongue: noway drinker smokin bigsmile

yvory's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:14 PM

yes. for me its a turn off if someone can't spell right and know the difference between: They're, Their, There.
Or your and you're

yeah! seriously!

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