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Topic: I need advice from women
no photo
Sun 02/10/08 11:40 AM

Handy is like a star. He makes vedo moves frest to show us gals ware his heart is really at. I'm all aflutter...

That's it.. I'm convinced. I'm on the wrong path here... I'll be over at utub uploading a few vedo moves... complaining about.. Well crap! I ain't got anything to complain about! Hmmm... that just sucks! So I suppose I'll complain about that!

lilith401's photo
Sun 02/10/08 11:59 AM

Handy is like a star. He makes vedo moves frest to show us gals ware his heart is really at. I'm all aflutter...

That's it.. I'm convinced. I'm on the wrong path here... I'll be over at utub uploading a few vedo moves... complaining about.. Well crap! I ain't got anything to complain about! Hmmm... that just sucks! So I suppose I'll complain about that!

You can just complain about my complaints, if you want. Or the OP's... ?

hikerchick's photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:14 PM

I only asked yu to look at whats realy happiong in are world today....

By your measure? You know stuff we are all unaware of, huh?
All I saw was a bunch of conspiracy theories.. Some misogynistic claims... Some being angry and in self pity in regards to your personal plight and reveling in it.

That is supposed to be impressive? It surely impressed me! Just not in the way you wanted.

I get all hot and bothered by men who want my pity. By those who try to inspire in me a "woe is me" attitude and beg for sympathy. This is one "hot" conspiracy theorist, ladies. Right up there with Mel from the movie (and we've seen his real life ideas as well). Handy is like a star. He makes vedo moves frest to show us gals ware his heart is really at. I'm all aflutter....

man I wish I could hang out with you, lilith. You are a riot. laugh laugh

hikerchick's photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:15 PM

Handy is like a star. He makes vedo moves frest to show us gals ware his heart is really at. I'm all aflutter...

That's it.. I'm convinced. I'm on the wrong path here... I'll be over at utub uploading a few vedo moves... complaining about.. Well crap! I ain't got anything to complain about! Hmmm... that just sucks! So I suppose I'll complain about that!

well that is because we women only care about looks and you are HOTT

lilith401's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:30 PM

man I wish I could hang out with you, lilith. You are a riot. laugh laugh

Hey hikerchick~ we do get to hang out....just not in the way we could IRL. I'll take what I can get!!flowerforyou

hikerchick's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:03 PM

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:10 PM
well that is because we women only care about looks and you are HOTT
Naw... I'm pretty average. Just don't tell lilith.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:11 PM
she already has you pegged

simplyleslie's photo
Sun 02/10/08 05:27 PM
I think this was a ploy to get his YouTube crap viewed.

what a pain.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 02/10/08 08:36 PM

I think this was a ploy to get his YouTube crap viewed.

what a pain.

ya think?

jenleah32's photo
Sun 02/10/08 08:40 PM
noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway

justplaingerald's photo
Tue 02/12/08 12:18 AM
okay this mindless banter has got me sick, how did I ever come into this, oh wait I replied. Dang nab it

Lily0923's photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:30 AM

your spelling doesn't bother me.my son's father is dislexic(i know i ****ed that spelling up),its your piss poor "woe is me" attitude.I am fat and I don't cry a river and make a bunch of videos because men aren't instantly attracted to celluite and and love handles.Whiney men make me sick.sick

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker :heart:

itsmetina's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:15 AM
get a women drunk

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:43 AM
you tube is a site where you can veiw and post videos of your self

franshade's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:51 AM
Here's my question, how come so many people ask questions but dont supply enough information, instead they want you to check them out elsewhere, be it youtube or someplace else.

If I wanted to check out those other sites, I would on my own, not to try and help someone with a question.

Sorry must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning grumble grumble

hikerchick's photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:40 PM

Here's my question, how come so many people ask questions but dont supply enough information, instead they want you to check them out elsewhere, be it youtube or someplace else.

If I wanted to check out those other sites, I would on my own, not to try and help someone with a question.

Sorry must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning grumble grumble

He comes back periodically and makes these stupid posts just to get attention. And we fall for it everytime. He doesn't want help; he wants to annoy people.

lilith401's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:48 PM

Here's my question, how come so many people ask questions but dont supply enough information, instead they want you to check them out elsewhere, be it youtube or someplace else.

If I wanted to check out those other sites, I would on my own, not to try and help someone with a question.

Sorry must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning grumble grumble

He comes back periodically and makes these stupid posts just to get attention. And we fall for it everytime. He doesn't want help; he wants to annoy people.

Oh, but I was having fun... not annoyed at all! laugh laugh I'm sad he is gone...:cry:

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:51 PM
Like ya ... this thread was a waste from post #1 .. I see I didn't miss anything ......:tongue:

franshade's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:52 PM
Shame what people would do to try and get others to view videos.

pretty lame if ya ask me.

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